Controlling the outcome of SN2 reactions in ionic liquids: from rational data set design to predictive linear regression models
Journal Article
Schindl, A., Hawker, R. R., Schaffarczyk McHale, K. S., Liu, K. T.-C., Morris, D. C., Hsieh, A. Y., Gilbert, A., Prescott, S. W., Haines, R. S., Croft, A. K., Harper, J. B., & Jäger, C. M. (2020). Controlling the outcome of SN2 reactions in ionic liquids: from rational data set design to predictive linear regression models. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 23009 - 23018.
Rate constants for a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) process in a range of ionic liquids are correlated with calculated parameters associated with the charge localisation on the cation of the ionic liquid (including the molecular electros... Read More about Controlling the outcome of SN2 reactions in ionic liquids: from rational data set design to predictive linear regression models.