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Automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive therapy for patients with psychosis: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial (gameChange) (2019)
Journal Article
Freeman, D., Yu, L.-M., Kabir, T., Martin, J., Craven, M., Leal, J., Lambe, S., Brown, S., Morrison, A., Chapman, K., Dudley, R., O'Regan, E., Rovira, A., Goodsell, A., Rosebrock, L., Bergin, A., Cryer, T. L., Robotham, D., Andleeb, H., Geddes, J. R., …Waite, F. (2019). Automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive therapy for patients with psychosis: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial (gameChange). BMJ Open, 9(8), e031606.

Introduction Many patients with psychosis experience everyday social situations as anxiety-provoking. The fears can arise, for example, from paranoia, hallucinations, social anxiety or negative-self beliefs. The fears lead patients to withdraw from a... Read More about Automated virtual reality (VR) cognitive therapy for patients with psychosis: study protocol for a single-blind parallel group randomised controlled trial (gameChange).

Preferences of informal carers on technology packages to support meal production by people living with dementia, elicited from personalised AT and ICT product brochures (2017)
Journal Article
De Filippis, M. L., Craven, M. P., & Dening, T. (2017). Preferences of informal carers on technology packages to support meal production by people living with dementia, elicited from personalised AT and ICT product brochures. Informatics, 4(1),

Assistive technology (AT) can help support the continued independence of people living with dementia, supported by informal carers. Opinions and preferences of informal carers towards a range of assistive and digital information and communication tec... Read More about Preferences of informal carers on technology packages to support meal production by people living with dementia, elicited from personalised AT and ICT product brochures.