Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites
Journal Article
Ghosh, B., Xu, F., Grant, D. M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., George, M. W., & Hou, X. (2020). Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites. Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(11), Article 2000627. https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202000627
The substantial heat generation in modern electronic devices is one of the major issues requiring efficient thermal management. This work demonstrates a novel concept for the design of thermally conducting networks inside a polymer matrix for the dev... Read More about Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites.