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Strategies for using topical corticosteroids in children and adults with eczema (2022)
Journal Article
Lax, S., Harvey, J., Axon, E., Howells, L., Santer, M., Ridd, M., Lawton, S., Langan, S., Roberts, A., Ahmed, A., Muller, I., Ming, L. C., Panda, S., Chernyshov, P., Carter, B., Williams, H., Thomas, K., & Chalmers, J. (2022). Strategies for using topical corticosteroids in children and adults with eczema. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3(3), Article CD013356

Background Eczema is a common skin condition. Although topical corticosteroids (TCS) have been a first-line treatment for eczema for decades, there are uncertainties over their optimal use. Objectives To establish the effectiveness and safety of diff... Read More about Strategies for using topical corticosteroids in children and adults with eczema.

Daily emollient during infancy for prevention of eczema: the BEEP randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Chalmers, J. R., Haines, R. H., Bradshaw, L. E., Montgomery, A. A., Thomas, K. S., Brown, S. J., Ridd, M. J., Lawton, S., Simpson, E. L., Cork, M. J., Sach, T. H., Flohr, C., Mitchell, E. J., Swinden, R., Tarr, S., Davies-Jones, S., Jay, N., Kelleher, M., Perkin, M. R., Boyle, R. J., & Williams, H. C. (2020). Daily emollient during infancy for prevention of eczema: the BEEP randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 395(10228), 962-972.


Skin barrier dysfunction precedes eczema development. We tested whether daily use of emollient in the first year could prevent eczema in high-risk children.


We did a multicentre, pragmatic, parallel-group, randomised contr... Read More about Daily emollient during infancy for prevention of eczema: the BEEP randomised controlled trial.

Defining and measuring " eczema control " : an international qualitative study to explore the views of those living with and treating atopic eczema (2019)
Journal Article
Howells, L., Thomas, K. S., Sears, A. V., Nasr, I., Wollenberg, A., Schuttelaar, M. L., Romeijn, G. L., Paller, A. S., Mueller, K., Doytcheva, K., Kataoka, Y., Daguze, J., Barbarot, S., Von Kobyletzki, L. B., Beckman, L., Ratib, S., Cowdell, F., Santer, M., & Chalmers, J. R. (2019). Defining and measuring " eczema control " : an international qualitative study to explore the views of those living with and treating atopic eczema. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 33(6), 1124-1132.

Background: Atopic eczema (also known as eczema) is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that often afflicts patients’ health and wellbeing. The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative recommends that “long-term control of eczema”... Read More about Defining and measuring " eczema control " : an international qualitative study to explore the views of those living with and treating atopic eczema.