What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis
Journal Article
Wilberforce, M., Abendstern, M., Batool, S., Boland, J., Challis, D., Christian, J., Hughes, J., Kinder, P., Lake-Jones, P., Mistry, M., Pitts, R., & Roberts, D. (2019). What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis. British Journal of Social Work, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcz133
Despite being a profession dedicated to the empowerment of service users, empirical study of mental health social work appears dominated by the perspectives of social workers themselves. What service users value is less often reported. This study, au... Read More about What Do Service Users Want from Mental Health Social Work? A Best–Worst Scaling Analysis.