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Outputs (1387)

Incorporating heterogeneity in farmer disease control behaviour into a livestock disease transmission model (2023)
Journal Article
Hill, E., Prosser, N., Brown, P., Ferguson, E., Green, M., Kaler, J., …Tildesley, M. (2023). Incorporating heterogeneity in farmer disease control behaviour into a livestock disease transmission model. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 219, Article 106019.

Human behaviour is critical to effective responses to livestock disease outbreaks, especially with respect to vaccination uptake. Traditionally, mathematical models used to inform this behaviour have not taken heterogeneity in farmer behaviour into a... Read More about Incorporating heterogeneity in farmer disease control behaviour into a livestock disease transmission model.

LexMAL: A quick and reliable lexical test for Malay speakers (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, S. T., van Heuven, W. J. B., Price, J. M., & Leong, C. X. R. (2024). LexMAL: A quick and reliable lexical test for Malay speakers. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 4563–4581.

Objective language proficiency measures have been found to provide better and more consistent estimates of bilinguals’ language processing than self-rated proficiency (e.g., Tomoschuk et al., 2019; Wen & van Heuven, 2017a). However, objectively measu... Read More about LexMAL: A quick and reliable lexical test for Malay speakers.

SUBTLEX-CY: A new word frequency database for Welsh (2023)
Journal Article
van Heuven, W. J. B., Payne, J. S., & Jones, M. W. (2024). SUBTLEX-CY: A new word frequency database for Welsh. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(5), 1052-1067.

We present SUBTLEX-CY, a new word frequency database created from a 32-million-word corpus of Welsh television subtitles. An experiment comprising a lexical decision task examined SUBTLEX-CY frequency estimates against words with inconsistent frequen... Read More about SUBTLEX-CY: A new word frequency database for Welsh.

Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex (2023)
Journal Article
Asghar, M., Sanchez-Panchuelo, R., Schluppeck, D., & Francis, S. (2023). Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex. Brain Topography, 36, 816-834.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging can provide detailed maps of how sensory space is mapped in the human brain. Here, we use a novel 16 stimulator setup (a 4 × 4 grid) to measure two-dimensional sensory maps of between and within-digit (D2–D4) spa... Read More about Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex.

Further evidence for the role of temporal contiguity as a determinant of overshadowing (2023)
Journal Article
Alcalá, J. A., Ogallar, P. M., Prados, J., & Urcelay, G. P. (2024). Further evidence for the role of temporal contiguity as a determinant of overshadowing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(7), 1375-1389.

Three experiments explored whether weakening temporal contiguity between auditory cues and an aversive outcome attenuated cue competition in an avoidance learning task with human participants. Overall, with strong temporal contiguity between auditory... Read More about Further evidence for the role of temporal contiguity as a determinant of overshadowing.

Attitudes to the use of animals in biomedical research: Effects of stigma and selected research project summaries (2023)
Journal Article
Cassaday, H. J., Cavenagh, L., Aluthgamage, H., Crooks, A., Bonardi, C., Stevenson, C. W., …Muir, C. (2023). Attitudes to the use of animals in biomedical research: Effects of stigma and selected research project summaries. PLoS ONE, 18(8), Article e0290232.

Three groups of participants (largely recruited from the UK) completed a survey to examine attitudes to the use of animals in biomedical research, after reading the lay (N = 182) or technical (N = 201) summary of a research project, or no summary (N... Read More about Attitudes to the use of animals in biomedical research: Effects of stigma and selected research project summaries.

Schizotypy dimensions do not predict overshadowing (2023)
Journal Article
Quigley, M., Bradley, A., & Haselgrove, M. (2023). Schizotypy dimensions do not predict overshadowing. Behavioural Brain Research, 453, Article 114631.

When two cues are presented together and reliably predict an outcome (AB-O1) an “overshadowing” effect is typically observed. That is, the relationship between these cues and the outcome is learned about less well than a cue presented on its own with... Read More about Schizotypy dimensions do not predict overshadowing.

Artificial intelligence for diagnostic and prognostic neuroimaging in dementia: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Borchert, R. J., Azevedo, T., Badhwar, A., Bernal, J., Betts, M., Bruffaerts, R., …Rittman, T. (2023). Artificial intelligence for diagnostic and prognostic neuroimaging in dementia: A systematic review. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 19(12), 5885-5904.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroimaging offer new opportunities for diagnosis and prognosis of dementia.

We systematically reviewed studies reporting AI for neuroimaging in diagnosis and/or prognosis of cognitive neur... Read More about Artificial intelligence for diagnostic and prognostic neuroimaging in dementia: A systematic review.

Looking at Emotions to Understand Responses to Environmental Challenges (2023)
Journal Article
Clayton, S., & Ogunbode, C. (2023). Looking at Emotions to Understand Responses to Environmental Challenges. Emotion Review, 15(4), 275-278.

Emotions are keys to understanding the response to environmental problems. We discuss three important roles. First, emotions like worry, anxiety, pride and hope can motivate pro-environmental behaviour. Second, emotions are also consequences; the emo... Read More about Looking at Emotions to Understand Responses to Environmental Challenges.