South Georgia marine productivity over the past 15 ka and implications for glacial evolution
Journal Article
Wilkin, J. T., Kender, S., Dejardin, R., Allen, C. S., Peck, V. L., Swann, G. E., McClymont, E. L., Scourse, J. D., Littler, K., & Leng, M. J. (2024). South Georgia marine productivity over the past 15 ka and implications for glacial evolution. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 43(1), 165-186.
The subantarctic islands of South Georgia are located in the Southern Ocean, and they may be sensitive to future climate warming. However, due to a lack of well-dated subantarctic palaeoclimate archives, there is still uncertainty about South Georgia... Read More about South Georgia marine productivity over the past 15 ka and implications for glacial evolution.