ALTCAI: Enabling the Use of Embodied Conversational Agents to Deliver Informal Health Advice during Wizard of Oz Studies
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Galvez Trigo, M. J., Porcheron, M., Egede, J., Fischer, J. E., Hazzard, A., Greenhalgh, C., Bodiaj, E., & Valstar, M. (2021, July). ALTCAI: Enabling the Use of Embodied Conversational Agents to Deliver Informal Health Advice during Wizard of Oz Studies. Presented at CUI 2021 : Third Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, Bilbao (online), Spain
We present ALTCAI, a Wizard of Oz Embodied Conversational Agent that has been developed to explore the use of interactive agents as an effective and engaging tool for delivering health and well-being advice to expectant and nursing mothers in Nigeria... Read More about ALTCAI: Enabling the Use of Embodied Conversational Agents to Deliver Informal Health Advice during Wizard of Oz Studies.