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Dr EMILY CROWE's Outputs (10)

Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture (2025)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Vorgia, D. T., & Brenner, E. (2025). Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture. Perception,

Searching for a target amongst distractors is faster when moving an aperture over the search display than when moving the search display beneath an aperture. Is this because when moving the aperture, each item is sampled at a different position, whil... Read More about Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture.

Performance metrics outperform physiological indicators in robotic teleoperation workload assessment (2024)
Journal Article
Odoh, G., Landowska, A., Crowe, E. M., Benali, K., Cobb, S., Wilson, M. L., Maior, H. A., & Kucukyilmaz, A. (2024). Performance metrics outperform physiological indicators in robotic teleoperation workload assessment. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 30984.

Robotics holds the potential to streamline the execution of repetitive and dangerous tasks, which are difficult or impossible for a human operator. However, in complex scenarios, such as nuclear waste management or disaster response, full automation... Read More about Performance metrics outperform physiological indicators in robotic teleoperation workload assessment.

Spatial contextual cues that help predict how a target will accelerate can be used to guide interception (2023)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Smeets, J. B., & Brenner, E. (2023). Spatial contextual cues that help predict how a target will accelerate can be used to guide interception. Journal of Vision, 23(12), Article 7.

Objects in one's environment do not always move at a constant velocity but often accelerate or decelerate. People are very poor at visually judging acceleration and normally make systematic errors when trying to intercept accelerating objects. If the... Read More about Spatial contextual cues that help predict how a target will accelerate can be used to guide interception.

Online updating of obstacle positions when intercepting a virtual target (2023)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Smeets, J. B., & Brenner, E. (2023). Online updating of obstacle positions when intercepting a virtual target. Experimental Brain Research, 241(7), 1811–1820.

People rely upon sensory information in the environment to guide their actions. Ongoing goal-directed arm movements are constantly adjusted to the latest estimate of both the target and hand's positions. Does the continuous guidance of ongoing arm mo... Read More about Online updating of obstacle positions when intercepting a virtual target.

Slightly perturbing the arm influences choices between multiple targets (2023)
Journal Article
Hadjipanayi, V., Brenner, E., & Crowe, E. M. (2023). Slightly perturbing the arm influences choices between multiple targets. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85, 1777-1783.

We constantly make choices about how to interact with objects in the environment. Do we immediately consider changes in our posture when making such choices? To find out, we examined whether motion in the background, which is known to influence the t... Read More about Slightly perturbing the arm influences choices between multiple targets.

How similar are responses to background motion and target displacements? (2022)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Vellekoop, P., van Meteren, C., Smeets, J. B. J., & Brenner, E. (2022). How similar are responses to background motion and target displacements?. Experimental Brain Research, 240(10), 2667-2676.

When making a goal-directed movement towards a target, our hand follows abrupt background motion. This response resembles that of a shift in the target’s position. Does background motion simply change the position towards which the movement is guided... Read More about How similar are responses to background motion and target displacements?.

Hand movements respond to any motion near the endpoint (2022)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Smeets, J. B. J., & Brenner, E. (2022). Hand movements respond to any motion near the endpoint. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 84(6), 1820-1825.

Hand movements are pulled in the direction of motion near their planned endpoints. Is this an automatic response to motion signals near those positions, or do we consider what is moving? To find out, we asked participants to hit a target that moved r... Read More about Hand movements respond to any motion near the endpoint.

A calming hug: Design and validation of a tactile aid to ease anxiety (2022)
Journal Article
Haynes, A. C., Lywood, A., Crowe, E. M., Fielding, J. L., Rossiter, J. M., & Kent, C. (2022). A calming hug: Design and validation of a tactile aid to ease anxiety. PLoS ONE, 17(3), Article e0259838.

Anxiety disorders affect approximately one third of people during their lifetimes and are the ninth leading cause of global disability. Current treatments focus on therapy and pharmacological interventions. However, therapy is costly and pharmacologi... Read More about A calming hug: Design and validation of a tactile aid to ease anxiety.

The influences of target size and recent experience on the vigour of adjustments to ongoing movements (2022)
Journal Article
Brenner, E., Hardon, H., Moesman, R., Crowe, E. M., & Smeets, J. B. J. (2022). The influences of target size and recent experience on the vigour of adjustments to ongoing movements. Experimental Brain Research, 240(4), 1219-1229.

People adjust their on-going movements to changes in the environment. It takes about 100 ms to respond to an abrupt change in a target’s position. Does the vigour of such responses depend on the extent to which responding is beneficial? We asked part... Read More about The influences of target size and recent experience on the vigour of adjustments to ongoing movements.