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Professor DALENE SWANSON's Outputs (1)

‘It Means We are Not Safe’: Understanding and Learning from Household Experiences of Water Scarcity, Flood and Fire in Marginalized Settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Ncube, S., Wilson, A., Frances Black, G., Petersen, L., Abrams, A., Carden, K., Dick, L., Dickie, J., Ann Gibson, L., Hamilton-Smith, N., Ireland, A., Lamb, G., Jane Mpofu-Mketwa, T., Piper, L., & Swanson, D. M. ‘It Means We are Not Safe’: Understanding and Learning from Household Experiences of Water Scarcity, Flood and Fire in Marginalized Settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa

As climate change-related extreme weather events such as flooding and droughts increase in frequency and severity in most cities worldwide, there is a need to deepen understanding of disaster risks and adaptive capacities. A significant percentage of... Read More about ‘It Means We are Not Safe’: Understanding and Learning from Household Experiences of Water Scarcity, Flood and Fire in Marginalized Settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa.