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Dr STAN KO's Outputs (3)

Towards improving the quality of internships in medicine and allied health professions (2023)
Journal Article
Jankowicz-Szymańska, A., Kołpa, M., Stefanowicz-Kocoł, A., Konstantinidis, S. T., Ko, S., Henderson, J., Cunningham, S., Hodge, P., Tilley, Z., Höijer-Brear, V., Törne, M., Lillo-Crespo, M., Policnik, J., Poultourtzidis, I., & Papamalis, F. (2023). Towards improving the quality of internships in medicine and allied health professions. Health Promotion and Physical Activity, 24(3), 40-49.

Introduction: One of the important elements influencing the well-being of society is a highly educated, professional staff of the entire therapeutic team. Physiotherapists play a significant role in this team, which is why the higher education system... Read More about Towards improving the quality of internships in medicine and allied health professions.

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Konstantinidis, S., Tilley, Z., Ko, S., Henderson, J., Cunningham, S., Hodge, P., Stefanowicz-Kocol, A., Jankowicz-Szymanska, A., Grochowska, A., Kołpa, M., Lillo-Crespo, M., Galindo, J. R., Catala Rodriguez, M. P., Höijer-Brear, V., Törne, M., Feliciano, S., Camilleri, A., Poultourtzidis, I., Papamalis, F., Spachos, D., …Hall, C. (2023, July). CO-CREATION OF A VIRTUAL INTERACTIVE TEACHING PACKAGE FOR AUDITORS OF HEALTHCARE PLACEMENTS – TOWARDS ASSURANCE OF QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE TRAINEESHIPS. Presented at 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain

To provide medical and allied health professionals students with the best clinical learning environments, quality processes must be in place, and these require innovation to assure audit material resources that are fit for purpose, can work well with... Read More about CO-CREATION OF A VIRTUAL INTERACTIVE TEACHING PACKAGE FOR AUDITORS OF HEALTHCARE PLACEMENTS – TOWARDS ASSURANCE OF QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE TRAINEESHIPS.

Ensuring quality healthcare practice for doctors and medical allied professionals through a digital interactive audit platform (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papamalis, F. E., Cunningham, S., Hodges, P., Grochowska, A., Stefanowicz-Kocol, A., Poultourtzidis, I., Lillo-Crespo, M., Nikolaidou, M., Ko, S., Höijer-Brear, V., Törne, M., Tilley Zoe, Z., Feliciano, S., Konstantinidis, S., Spachos, D., & Bamidis, P. (2023, March). Ensuring quality healthcare practice for doctors and medical allied professionals through a digital interactive audit platform. Presented at 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

Internationally there are different requirements for measuring and monitoring health care practice and cross-border clinical placement. However, the quality of the clinical training settings has a significant impact on student experience and knowledg... Read More about Ensuring quality healthcare practice for doctors and medical allied professionals through a digital interactive audit platform.