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Professor MARK VAN ROSSUM's Outputs (2)

Energetically efficient learning in neuronal networks (2023)
Journal Article
Pache, A., & van Rossum, M. C. (2023). Energetically efficient learning in neuronal networks. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 83, Article 102779.

Human and animal experiments have shown that acquiring and storing information can require substantial amounts of metabolic energy. However, computational models of neural plasticity only seldom take this cost into account, and might thereby miss an... Read More about Energetically efficient learning in neuronal networks.

Lazy learning: a biologically-inspired plasticity rule for fast and energy efficient synaptic plasticity (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Pache, A., & Van Rossum, M. Lazy learning: a biologically-inspired plasticity rule for fast and energy efficient synaptic plasticity

When training neural networks for classification tasks with backpropagation, parameters are updated on every trial, even if the sample is classified correctly. In contrast, humans concentrate their learning effort on errors. Inspired by human learnin... Read More about Lazy learning: a biologically-inspired plasticity rule for fast and energy efficient synaptic plasticity.