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Pseudocapacitive Performance of WO3/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ola, O., Chen, Y., Zhu, Y., & Grant, D. (2021, September). Pseudocapacitive Performance of WO3/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites. Presented at 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP), Odessa, Ukraine

Hexagonal tungsten oxide (WO 3 ) holds great promise as an electrode material for pseudocapacitors due to its earth abundance, low cost, multiple oxidation states, high packing density (>7 g cm -3 ) and electrochemical reversibility. Here, we present... Read More about Pseudocapacitive Performance of WO3/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites.

Zn/Co-ZIF reinforced sugarcane bagasse aerogel for highly efficient catalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate (2021)
Journal Article
Lei, Y., Sun, W., Tiwari, S. K., Thummavichai, K., Ola, O., Qin, X., Ma, Z., Wang, N., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Zn/Co-ZIF reinforced sugarcane bagasse aerogel for highly efficient catalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(6), Article 106885.

Sugarcane bagasse is the main solid waste of sugar extraction industry. However, there are less eco-friendly treatment methods for this kind of waste material. Most of them have been burned and this is a challenge for effective utilization of sugarca... Read More about Zn/Co-ZIF reinforced sugarcane bagasse aerogel for highly efficient catalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate.

Highly sensitive acetone sensor based on WO3 nanosheets derived from WS2 nanoparticles with inorganic fullerene-like structures (2021)
Journal Article
Chang, X., Xu, S., Liu, S., Wang, N., Sun, S., Zhu, X., Li, J., Ola, O., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Highly sensitive acetone sensor based on WO3 nanosheets derived from WS2 nanoparticles with inorganic fullerene-like structures. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 343, Article 130135.

Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors are promising for applications in environmental monitoring, dangerous gas detection, and disease diagnosis. Seeking for advanced MOS sensing materials that possess high sensitivity and low limit of detectio... Read More about Highly sensitive acetone sensor based on WO3 nanosheets derived from WS2 nanoparticles with inorganic fullerene-like structures.

DFT and experimental studies of iron oxide-based nanocomposites for efficient electrocatalysis (2021)
Journal Article
Ola, O., Ullah, H., Chen, Y., Thummavichai, K., Wang, N., & Zhu, Y. (2021). DFT and experimental studies of iron oxide-based nanocomposites for efficient electrocatalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9(20), 6409-6417.

The synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles coated with graphitic carbon nitride (FeX-NC), and their improved electrochemical stability and corrosion resistance in acidic electrolyte environment are reported. Our results show that the FeX-NC nanocompos... Read More about DFT and experimental studies of iron oxide-based nanocomposites for efficient electrocatalysis.

Sodium Tungsten Oxide Bronze Nanowires Bundles in Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye under UV and Visible Light Exposure (2021)
Journal Article
Thummavichai, K., Thi, L. A., Pung, S.-Y., Ola, O., Hussain, M. Z., Chen, Y., Xu, F., Chen, W., Wang, N., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Sodium Tungsten Oxide Bronze Nanowires Bundles in Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye under UV and Visible Light Exposure. Energies, 14(5), Article 1322.

This paper describes the analysis and characterization of NayWOx bronze nanowires bundles and evaluation of their effective adsorption of methylene blue dye (MB). The Na-doped WOx bronze nanowires bundles were first synthesized via a simple solvother... Read More about Sodium Tungsten Oxide Bronze Nanowires Bundles in Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye under UV and Visible Light Exposure.

Multifunctional porous SiC nanowire scaffolds (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Ola, O., Liu, G., Han, L., Hussain, M. Z., Thummavichai, K., Wen, J., Zhang, L., Wang, N., Xia, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Multifunctional porous SiC nanowire scaffolds. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41(7), 3970-3979.

Porous SiC nanowire (SiCNW) ceramics have great potentials for engineering applications. We herein report the fabrication of 3D SiCNW scaffolds with tuneable microstructures, densities, and therefore properties, by regulating the solid loading conten... Read More about Multifunctional porous SiC nanowire scaffolds.