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Modeling photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide in bubbling twin reactor (2017)
Journal Article
Chu, F., Li, S., Chen, H., Yang, L., Ola, O., Maroto-Valer, M., Du, X., & Yang, Y. (2017). Modeling photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide in bubbling twin reactor. Energy Conversion and Management, 149, 514-525.

The production of valued added fuels and chemicals via photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction has attracted increasing attentions in recent years. Based on the traditional twin reactor configuration, a novel bubbling twin reactor is proposed to impr... Read More about Modeling photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide in bubbling twin reactor.

Effects of titania based catalysts on in-situ pyrolysis of Pavlova microalgae (2017)
Journal Article
Aysu, T., Ola, O., Maroto-Valer, M. M., & Sanna, A. (2017). Effects of titania based catalysts on in-situ pyrolysis of Pavlova microalgae. Fuel Processing Technology, 166, 291-298.

Pavlova microalga was pyrolysed in presence of titania based catalysts in a fixed bed reactor at various temperatures. The effects of catalysts on Pavlova microalga pyrolysis were investigated. A large fraction of the starting energy (∼ 63–74% daf) w... Read More about Effects of titania based catalysts on in-situ pyrolysis of Pavlova microalgae.

Reaction and Reactor Engineering (2017)
Book Chapter
Lauwaert, J., Thybaut, J. W., Goguet, A., Hardacre, C., Ola, O., & Mercedes, M.-V. (2017). Reaction and Reactor Engineering. In D. Vogt, J. Thybaut, & P. C. J. Kamer (Eds.), Contemporary Catalysis: Science, Technology, and Applications. Royal Society of Chemistry