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Professor ROBIN IRONS's Outputs (1)

Solvent technology development in the EU project HiPerCap: from molecular simulation to technological roadmap for large scale demonstration (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kim, I., Vevelstad, S. J., Knuutila, H. K., Hartono, A., Haugen, G., Tobiesen, A. F., Irons, R., Drew, R., & Kvamsdal, H. M. (2018, October). Solvent technology development in the EU project HiPerCap: from molecular simulation to technological roadmap for large scale demonstration. Paper presented at 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT14), Melbourne, Australia

The widest possible range of post-combustion capture technologies, based on solid sorbents, membranes and a wide variety of solvent-based systems, was examined in the EU project HiPerCap (GA No. 608555, 2014-217). The two breakthrough technologies we... Read More about Solvent technology development in the EU project HiPerCap: from molecular simulation to technological roadmap for large scale demonstration.