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KERRY CLAMP's Outputs (2)

A ‘local’ response to community problems? A critique of community justice panels (2014)
Journal Article
Clamp, K. (2014). A ‘local’ response to community problems? A critique of community justice panels. British Journal of Community Justice, 12(2), 21-34

Community justice panels have had a long and varied history and are now established at one level or another in most advanced neoliberal states. They involve local members of the community as volunteers in responding to crime and have been lauded for... Read More about A ‘local’ response to community problems? A critique of community justice panels.

Innovating responses to managing risk: exploring the potential of a victim-focused policing strategy (2013)
Journal Article
Paterson, C., & Clamp, K. (2014). Innovating responses to managing risk: exploring the potential of a victim-focused policing strategy. Policing, 8(1), 51-58.

This article explores the potential benefits of developing partnerships with victims in managing threats to their personal safety via smart police use of electronic monitoring technologies. The central premise for this position is that traditional su... Read More about Innovating responses to managing risk: exploring the potential of a victim-focused policing strategy.