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Mrs ELIZABETH DOLAN's Outputs (2)

Who consumes anthocyanins and anthocyanidins? Mining national retail data to reveal the influence of socioeconomic deprivation and seasonality on polyphenol dietary intake (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harvey, J., Long, G., Welham, S., Mansilla, R., Rose, P., Thomas, M., Milligan, G., Dolan, E., Parkes, J., Makokoro, K., & Goulding, J. (2023, December). Who consumes anthocyanins and anthocyanidins? Mining national retail data to reveal the influence of socioeconomic deprivation and seasonality on polyphenol dietary intake. Presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Sorrento, Itlay

Anthocyanins are a class of polyphenols that have received widespread recent attention due to their potential health benefits. However, estimating the dietary intake of anthocyanins at a population level is a challenging task, due to the difficulty o... Read More about Who consumes anthocyanins and anthocyanidins? Mining national retail data to reveal the influence of socioeconomic deprivation and seasonality on polyphenol dietary intake.

Data donation of individual shopping data to help predict the occurrence of disease: A pilot study linking individual loyalty card and health survey data to investigate COVID-19 (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dolan, E., Goulding, J., & Skatova, A. Data donation of individual shopping data to help predict the occurrence of disease: A pilot study linking individual loyalty card and health survey data to investigate COVID-19. Presented at 1st Digital Footprints Conference, University of Bristol

Introduction & Background
Previous studies have found shopping data could increase the predictive accuracy of disease surveillance systems and illuminate behavioural responses in the self-management of symptoms of disease. Yet, accessing individual... Read More about Data donation of individual shopping data to help predict the occurrence of disease: A pilot study linking individual loyalty card and health survey data to investigate COVID-19.