Possible evidence for a large-scale enhancement in the Lyman-α forest power spectrum at redshift z ≥ 4
Journal Article
Molaro, M., Iršič, V., Bolton, J. S., Lieu, M., Keating, L. C., Puchwein, E., Haehnelt, M. G., & Viel, M. (2023). Possible evidence for a large-scale enhancement in the Lyman-α forest power spectrum at redshift z ≥ 4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(1), 1489–1501. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad598
Inhomogeneous reionization enhances the 1D Ly α forest power spectrum on large scales at redshifts z ≥ 4. This is due to coherent fluctuations in the ionized hydrogen fraction that arise from large-scale variations in the post-reionization gas temper... Read More about Possible evidence for a large-scale enhancement in the Lyman-α forest power spectrum at redshift z ≥ 4.