Rethinking Inequality and Education: Crime, Labour and the School Curriculum in Indian Reformatory Schools (1880s-1920s)
Book Chapter
Kumar, A. (2021). Rethinking Inequality and Education: Crime, Labour and the School Curriculum in Indian Reformatory Schools (1880s-1920s). In V. Gupta, R. Kant Agnihotri, & M. Panda (Eds.), Education and Inequality: Historical and Contemporary Trajectories (143-170). Orient BlackSwan
Dr ARUN KUMAR's Outputs (2)
Reading of social and educational history documents through the lens of the Marxist Interpretation (2021)
Kumar, A. (2021). Reading of social and educational history documents through the lens of the Marxist InterpretationThis document case study will study how historians analyse archival source material that relates to social, economic and education history. In this particular case, we will look at a nineteenth-century pamphlet written by a British parliamentarian on... Read More about Reading of social and educational history documents through the lens of the Marxist Interpretation.