The Nights of Bombay Workers (1870–1920)
Book Chapter
Kumar, A. (2022). The Nights of Bombay Workers (1870–1920). In G. Duijzings, & L. Dušková (Eds.), Working at Night: The Temporal Organisation of Labour Across Political and Economic Regimes (45-68). De Gruyter.
Dr ARUN KUMAR's Outputs (3)
The Life of Contract Capitalism and the Building of the Colonial Railway (2022)
Book Chapter
Kumar, A. (2022). The Life of Contract Capitalism and the Building of the Colonial Railway. In G. Cederlöf (Ed.), The Imperial Underbelly: Workers, Contractors, and Entrepreneurs in Colonial India and Scandinavia (26-55). Routledge. thrives on contracts. From recruiting workers and employees to transacting everyday business and selling commodities, the contract ideology is the absolute necessity for capitalism to function. Contracts are to ensure a regime of secure, l... Read More about The Life of Contract Capitalism and the Building of the Colonial Railway.
Rethinking Inequality and Education: Crime, Labour and the School Curriculum in Indian Reformatory Schools (1880s-1920s) (2021)
Book Chapter
Kumar, A. (2021). Rethinking Inequality and Education: Crime, Labour and the School Curriculum in Indian Reformatory Schools (1880s-1920s). In V. Gupta, R. Kant Agnihotri, & M. Panda (Eds.), Education and Inequality: Historical and Contemporary Trajectories (143-170). Orient BlackSwan