Group A Streptococcus induces CD1a-autoreactive T cells and promotes psoriatic inflammation
Journal Article
Chen, Y.-L., Ng, J. S. W., Ottakandathil Babu, R., Woo, J., Nahler, J., Hardman, C. S., Kurupati, P., Nussbaum, L., Gao, F., Dong, T., Ladell, K., Price, D. A., Duncan, D. A., Johnson, D., Gileadi, U., Koohy, H., & Ogg, G. S. (2023). Group A Streptococcus induces CD1a-autoreactive T cells and promotes psoriatic inflammation. Science Immunology, 8(84),
Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infection is associated with multiple clinical sequelae, including different subtypes of psoriasis. Such post-streptococcal disorders have been long known but are largely unexplained. CD1a is expressed at constitutively hi... Read More about Group A Streptococcus induces CD1a-autoreactive T cells and promotes psoriatic inflammation.