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A novel multi-tissue RNA diagnostic of healthy ageing relates to cognitive health status (2015)
Journal Article
Crossland, H., Sood, S., PHILLIPS, B., Gallagher, I. J., ATHERTON, P., Lunnon, K., Rullman, E., Keohane, A., Cederholm, T., Jensen, T., JC van Loon, L., Lannfelt, L., Kraus, W. E., Howard, R., Gustafsson, T., & Timmons, A. H. A. J. A. (2015). A novel multi-tissue RNA diagnostic of healthy ageing relates to cognitive health status. Genome Biology, 16(1), 1-17.

Diagnostics of the human ageing process may help predict future healthcare needs or guide preventative measures for tackling diseases of older age. We take a transcriptomics approach to build the first reproducible multi-tissue RNA expres... Read More about A novel multi-tissue RNA diagnostic of healthy ageing relates to cognitive health status.