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Dr ALISON GARDNER's Outputs (3)

The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study (2023)
Journal Article
Such, E., Gardner, A., Dang, M., Wright, N., Bravo-Balsa, L., Brotherton, V., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Jiménez, E., Lucas, B., Wyman, E., & Trodd, Z. (in press). The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-21.

The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably affected global economies and societies, exacerbating existing social inequalities. This “syndemic” pandemic has placed people and communities affected by modern slavery and human trafficking at elevated risk of... Read More about The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study.

Far from Clean: Labour Exploitation in the UK’s Hand Car Wash Sector (2021)
Book Chapter
Jardine, A., Trautrims, A., & Gardner, A. (2021). Far from Clean: Labour Exploitation in the UK’s Hand Car Wash Sector. In S. Gold, M. G. Arnold, J. N. Muthuri, & X. Rueda (Eds.), Base of the Pyramid Markets in Affluent Countries: Innovation and challenges to sustainability. Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Hand car washing, the process of washing a vehicle by hand, is a relatively new business activity in the United Kingdom (UK). Prior to 2004, hand car washes (HCWs) were virtually non-existent (Clark & Colling, 2018). However, it is estimated that bet... Read More about Far from Clean: Labour Exploitation in the UK’s Hand Car Wash Sector.