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Dr MOHAMED ADAM's Outputs (3)

Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus (2015)
Journal Article
Mackie, A. R., Macierzanka, A., Aarak, K., Rigby, N. M., Parker, R., Channell, G. A., Harding, S. E., & Bajka, B. H. (2016). Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus. Food Hydrocolloids, 52,

In the small intestine the nature of the environment leads to a highly heterogeneous mucus layer primarily composed of the MUC2 mucin. We set out to investigate whether the soluble dietary fibre sodium alginate could alter the permeability of the muc... Read More about Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus.

The SDSS-IV in 2014: a demographic snapshot (2015)
Journal Article
Lundgren, B., Kinemuchi, K., Zasowski, G., Lucatello, S., Diamond-Stanic, A. M., Tremonti, C. A., Myers, A. D., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Gillespie, B., Ho, S., & Gallagher, J. S. (2015). The SDSS-IV in 2014: a demographic snapshot. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 127(954),

Many astronomers now participate in large international scientific collaborations, and it is important to examine whether these structures foster a healthy scientific climate that is inclusive and diverse. The Committee on the Participation of Women... Read More about The SDSS-IV in 2014: a demographic snapshot.

‘Axis of evil or access to diesel?: spaces of new imperialism and the Iraq war’ (2015)
Journal Article
Bieler, A., & Morton, A. D. (2015). ‘Axis of evil or access to diesel?: spaces of new imperialism and the Iraq war’. Historical Materialism, 23(2),

The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was waged by the so-called ‘Coalition of the Willing’. This paper will examine how the war was a space in the ongoing geographical extension of global capitalism linked to U.S. foreign policy. Was it simply the decision b... Read More about ‘Axis of evil or access to diesel?: spaces of new imperialism and the Iraq war’.