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Dr RICHARD JAMES's Outputs (6)

Illusion of Control or Passive Superstition? A Comparison of Two Explanations for Irrational Gambling Beliefs (2024)
Journal Article
Monson, A., James, R. J. E., Wootton, R. E., & Newall, P. (2024). Illusion of Control or Passive Superstition? A Comparison of Two Explanations for Irrational Gambling Beliefs. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,


The “illusion of control” is a dominant cognitive illusion in disordered gambling, but its role in shaping irrational gambling beliefs has been questioned by recent null experimental findings. Here, we aimed to test this recent work, i... Read More about Illusion of Control or Passive Superstition? A Comparison of Two Explanations for Irrational Gambling Beliefs.

Investigating gambling-related suicide (2024)
Journal Article
Roberts, A., Rogers, J., Petrovskaya, E., Ashton, A., Beck, E., Ritchie, C., Turnbull, P., Johal, G., James, R., Parente, T., Boyce, C., Chamberlain, S. R., Bowden-Jones, H., Wong, P., & Sharman, S. (2024). Investigating gambling-related suicide. Addiction, 119(12), 2223-2225.

Examining the impact of mobile gambling harm minimisation features: a dualistic model of passion perspective (2024)
Journal Article
Whelan, E., Morvannou, A., Ma, X., James, R., Clohessy, T., & Turel, O. (2024). Examining the impact of mobile gambling harm minimisation features: a dualistic model of passion perspective. European Journal of Information Systems,

Driven by the ubiquity of smartphones, sports gambling has intensified globally. Most mobile gambling apps are mandated to offer harm minimisation features which are IT tools designed to help prevent harmful gambling activity. Existing research on th... Read More about Examining the impact of mobile gambling harm minimisation features: a dualistic model of passion perspective.

Disordered gambling, or dependence and consequences: a bifactor exploratory structural equation model analysis of the problem gambling severity index (2024)
Journal Article
James, R. J., Tillsley, J. E., Hitcham, L., Mou, C., Kim, H., & Tunney, R. J. (in press). Disordered gambling, or dependence and consequences: a bifactor exploratory structural equation model analysis of the problem gambling severity index. Addiction Research and Theory,

The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) is a widely used assessment of disordered gambling. However, it has been claimed that instead of measuring a single factor of problem gambling severity, the PGSI measures two correlated factors o... Read More about Disordered gambling, or dependence and consequences: a bifactor exploratory structural equation model analysis of the problem gambling severity index.

The importance of need‐altruism and kin‐altruism to blood donor behaviour for black and white people (2024)
Journal Article
Ferguson, E., Dawe‐Lane, E., Ajayi, O., Osikomaiya, B., Mills, R., & Okubanjo, A. (2024). The importance of need‐altruism and kin‐altruism to blood donor behaviour for black and white people. Transfusion Medicine, 34(2), 112-123.

Need-altruism (a preference to help people in need) and kin-altruism (a preference to help kin over non-kin) underlie two hypotheses for voluntary blood donation: (i) Need-altruism underlies motivations for volunteer blood donation and (i... Read More about The importance of need‐altruism and kin‐altruism to blood donor behaviour for black and white people.