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Dr RICHARD JAMES's Outputs (3)

Crystal structure of the antimicrobial peptidase lysostaphin from Staphylococcus simulans (2014)
Journal Article
Sabala, I., Jagielska, E., Bardelang, P. T., Czapinska, H., Dahms, S. O., Sharpe, J. A., James, R., Than, M. E., Thomas, N. R., & Bochtler, M. (2014). Crystal structure of the antimicrobial peptidase lysostaphin from Staphylococcus simulans. FEBS Journal, 281(18), 4112-4122.

Staphylococcus simulansbiovarstaphylolyticuslysostaphin efficiently cleavesStaphylococcus aureuscell walls. The protein is in late clinical trials as atopical anti-staphylococcal agent, and can be used to prevent staphylococcalgrowth on artificial su... Read More about Crystal structure of the antimicrobial peptidase lysostaphin from Staphylococcus simulans.

Continuation of localised coherent structures in nonlocal neural field equations (2014)
Journal Article
Rankin, J., Avitabile, D., Baladron, J., Faye, G., & Lloyd, D. J. (2014). Continuation of localised coherent structures in nonlocal neural field equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(1), Article B70-B93.

We study localised activity patterns in neural field equations posed on the Euclidean plane; such models are commonly used to describe the coarse-grained activity of large ensembles of cortical neurons in a spatially continuous way. We employ matrix-... Read More about Continuation of localised coherent structures in nonlocal neural field equations.