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Professor GRAHAM NAYLOR's Outputs (44)

The Quest for Ecological Validity in Hearing Science: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Advance It (2020)
Journal Article
Keidser, G., Naylor, G., Brungart, D., Caduff, A., Campos, J., Carlile, S., Carpenter, M., Grimm, G., Hohmann, V., Holube, I., Launer, S., Lunner, T., Mehra, R., Rapport, F., Slaney, M., & Smeds, K. (2020). The Quest for Ecological Validity in Hearing Science: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Advance It. Ear and Hearing, 41(Supplement 1), 5S-19S.

Ecological validity is a relatively new concept in hearing science. It has been cited as relevant with increasing frequency in publications over the past 20 years, but without any formal conceptual basis or clear motive. The sixth Eriksholm Workshop... Read More about The Quest for Ecological Validity in Hearing Science: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Advance It.

Conversation in small groups: Speaking and listening strategies depend on the complexities of the environment and group (2020)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Whitmer, W. M., Brimijoin, W. O., & Naylor, G. (2021). Conversation in small groups: Speaking and listening strategies depend on the complexities of the environment and group. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 28(2), 632-640.

Many conversations in our day-to-day lives are held in noisy environments, impeding comprehension, and in groups, taxing auditory attention-switching processes. These situations are particularly challenging for older adults in cognitive and sensory d... Read More about Conversation in small groups: Speaking and listening strategies depend on the complexities of the environment and group.

Insights into conducting audiological research with clinical databases (2020)
Journal Article
Dillard, L. K., Saunders, G. H., Zobay, O., & Naylor, G. (2020). Insights into conducting audiological research with clinical databases. American Journal of Audiology, 29(3S), 676-681.

The clinical data stored in electronic health records (EHRs) provide unique opportunities for audiological clinical research. In this viewpoint article, we share insights from our experience of working with a large clinical database of over 730,00... Read More about Insights into conducting audiological research with clinical databases.

Covid-19 Lockdown Affects Hearing Disability and Handicap in Diverse Ways: A Rapid Online Survey Study (2020)
Journal Article
Naylor, G., Burke, L., & Holman, J. (2020). Covid-19 Lockdown Affects Hearing Disability and Handicap in Diverse Ways: A Rapid Online Survey Study. Ear and Hearing, 41(6), 1442-1449.


The aim of this study was to explore the perceived effects of Covid-19 social distancing restrictions and safety measures on people with hearing loss.


Participants were 129 adults (48.1% female, mean age 64.4 years) wit... Read More about Covid-19 Lockdown Affects Hearing Disability and Handicap in Diverse Ways: A Rapid Online Survey Study.

The Effect of Hearing Loss and Hearing Device Fitting on Fatigue in Adults: A Systematic Review (2020)
Journal Article
Holman, J. A., Drummond, A., & Naylor, G. (2021). The Effect of Hearing Loss and Hearing Device Fitting on Fatigue in Adults: A Systematic Review. Ear and Hearing, 42(1), 1-11

To conduct a systematic review to address two research questions: (Q1) Does hearing loss have an effect on fatigue? (Q2) Does hearing device fitting have an effect on fatigue? It was hypothesized that hearing loss would increase fatigue... Read More about The Effect of Hearing Loss and Hearing Device Fitting on Fatigue in Adults: A Systematic Review.

Daily-Life Fatigue in Mild to Moderate Hearing Impairment: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study (2020)
Journal Article
Burke, L. A., & Naylor, G. (2020). Daily-Life Fatigue in Mild to Moderate Hearing Impairment: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Ear and Hearing, 41(6), 1518-1532.


Previous research has indicated an association between hearing impairment (HI) and daily-life fatigue. However, the temporal and contextual correlates of such fatigue are largely unexplored. The present study used ecological momentary... Read More about Daily-Life Fatigue in Mild to Moderate Hearing Impairment: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study.

On the interaction of head and gaze control with acoustic beam width of a simulated beamformer in a two-talker scenario (2019)
Journal Article
Hládek, Ľ., Porr, B., Naylor, G., Lunner, T., & Owen Brimijoin, W. (2019). On the interaction of head and gaze control with acoustic beam width of a simulated beamformer in a two-talker scenario. Trends in Hearing, 23, 1-12.

Superdirectional acoustic beamforming technology provides a high signal-to-noise ratio, but potential speech intelligibility benefits to hearing aid users are limited by the way the users move their heads. Steering the beamformer using eye gaze inste... Read More about On the interaction of head and gaze control with acoustic beam width of a simulated beamformer in a two-talker scenario.

Hearing impairment and daily-life fatigue: a qualitative study (2019)
Journal Article
Holman, J. A., Drummond, A., Hughes, S. E., & Naylor, G. (2019). Hearing impairment and daily-life fatigue: a qualitative study. International Journal of Audiology, 58(7), 408-416.

Objective: Hearing impairment is linked to increased fatigue, yet little is known about the real-world impact of this fatigue. This qualitative study investigated the experience of daily-life fatigue in people with a hearing impairment.
Design: Ind... Read More about Hearing impairment and daily-life fatigue: a qualitative study.

The pupil dilation response during speech perception in dark and light: the involvement of the parasympathetic nervous system in listening effort (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Kramer, S. E., Wendt, D., Naylor, G., Lunner, T., & Zekveld, A. A. (2018). The pupil dilation response during speech perception in dark and light: the involvement of the parasympathetic nervous system in listening effort. Trends in Hearing, 22, 1-11.

Recently, the measurement of the pupil dilation response has been applied in many studies to assess listening effort. Meanwhile, the mechanisms underlying this response are still largely unknown. We present the results of a method that separates the... Read More about The pupil dilation response during speech perception in dark and light: the involvement of the parasympathetic nervous system in listening effort.

Pupil light reflex evoked by light-emitting diode and computer screen: methodology and association with need for recovery in daily life (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Zekveld, A. A., Wendt, D., Lunner, T., Naylor, G., & Kramer, S. E. (2018). Pupil light reflex evoked by light-emitting diode and computer screen: methodology and association with need for recovery in daily life. PLoS ONE, 13(6), Article e0197739.

Objectives: Pupil light reflex (PLR) has been widely used as a method for evaluating parasympathetic activity. The first aim of the present study is to develop a PLR measurement using a computer screen set-up and compare its results with the PLR gene... Read More about Pupil light reflex evoked by light-emitting diode and computer screen: methodology and association with need for recovery in daily life.

Impact of SNR, masker type and noise reduction processing on sentence recognition performance and listening effort as indicated by the pupil dilation response (2018)
Journal Article
Ohlenforst, B., Wendt, D., Kramer, S. E., Naylor, G., Zekveld, A. A., & Lunner, T. (2018). Impact of SNR, masker type and noise reduction processing on sentence recognition performance and listening effort as indicated by the pupil dilation response. Hearing Research, 365, 90-99.

Recent studies have shown that activating the noise reduction scheme in hearing aids results in a smaller peak pupil dilation (PPD), indicating reduced listening effort, at 50% and 95% correct sentence recognition with a 4-talker masker. The objectiv... Read More about Impact of SNR, masker type and noise reduction processing on sentence recognition performance and listening effort as indicated by the pupil dilation response.

The application of pupillometry in hearing science to assess listening effort (2018)
Journal Article
Naylor, G., Koelewijn, T., Zekveld, A. A., & Kramer, S. E. (2018). The application of pupillometry in hearing science to assess listening effort. Trends in Hearing, 22, 1-3.

In recent years, the fields of Audiology and Cognitive Sciences have seen a burgeoning of research focusing on the assessment of the effort required during listening. Among approaches to this question, the pupil dilation response has shown to be an i... Read More about The application of pupillometry in hearing science to assess listening effort.

Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers (2017)
Journal Article
Pronk, M., Deeg, D. J., Versfeld, N. J., Heymans, M., Naylor, G., & Kramer, S. E. (in press). Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers. Trends in Hearing, 21,

This study aimed to determine the predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period (HAEP) using a prospective design drawing on the health belief model and the transtheoretical model. In total, 377 older persons who presented with hearing probl... Read More about Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers.

Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Naylor, G., Kramer, S. E., Zekveld, A. A., Wendt, D., Ohlenforst, B., & Lunner, T. (2018). Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task. Ear and Hearing, 39(3), 573–582.

Objective: people with hearing impairment are likely to experience higher levels of fatigue due to effortful listening in daily communication. This hearing-related fatigue might not only constrain their work performance, but also result in withdrawal... Read More about Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task.

Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation (2017)
Journal Article
Ohlenforst, B., Zekveld, A. A., Lunner, T., Wendt, D., Naylor, G., Wang, Y., Versfeld, N. J., & Kramer, S. E. (2017). Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation. Hearing Research, 351,

Previous research has reported effects of masker type and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on listening effort, as indicated by the peak pupil dilation (PPD) relative to baseline during speech recognition. At about 50% correct sentence recognition perform... Read More about Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation.

Unilateral versus bilateral hearing aids for bilateral hearing impairment in adults (2017)
Journal Article
Browning, G. G., Howell, P., Whitmer, W. M., Ftouh, S., Chong, L. Y., & Naylor, G. (in press). Unilateral versus bilateral hearing aids for bilateral hearing impairment in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows:
To assess the effects of bilateral versus unilateral hearing aids in adults with a bilateral hearing impairment.

Effects of hearing impairment and hearing aid amplification on listening effort - a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Ohlenforst, B., Zekveld, A., Jansma, E., Wang, Y., Naylor, G., Lorens, A., Lunner, T., & Kramer, S. (in press). Effects of hearing impairment and hearing aid amplification on listening effort - a systematic review. Ear and Hearing, 38(3),

Objectives: To undertake a systematic review of available evidence on the effect of hearing impairment and hearing-aid amplification on listening effort. Two research questions were addressed: Q1) does hearing impairment affect listening effort? and... Read More about Effects of hearing impairment and hearing aid amplification on listening effort - a systematic review.

A taxonomy of fatigue concepts and their relation to hearing loss (2016)
Journal Article
Hornsby, B. W., Naylor, G., & Bess, F. H. (2016). A taxonomy of fatigue concepts and their relation to hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 37(Supp 1), Article 136S-144S.

Fatigue is common in individuals with a variety of chronic health conditions and can have significant negative effects on quality of life. Although limited in scope, recent work suggests persons with hearing loss may be at increased risk for fatigue,... Read More about A taxonomy of fatigue concepts and their relation to hearing loss.

Theoretical issues of validity in the measurement of aided speech reception threshold in noise for comparing nonlinear hearing aid systems (2016)
Journal Article
Naylor, G. (2016). Theoretical issues of validity in the measurement of aided speech reception threshold in noise for comparing nonlinear hearing aid systems. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 27(7),

Background: Adaptive Speech Reception Threshold in noise (SRTn) measurements are often used to make comparisons between alternative hearing aid (HA) systems. Such measurements usually do not constrain the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at which testing... Read More about Theoretical issues of validity in the measurement of aided speech reception threshold in noise for comparing nonlinear hearing aid systems.