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Professor GRAHAM NAYLOR's Outputs (5)

Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers (2017)
Journal Article
Pronk, M., Deeg, D. J., Versfeld, N. J., Heymans, M., Naylor, G., & Kramer, S. E. (in press). Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers. Trends in Hearing, 21,

This study aimed to determine the predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period (HAEP) using a prospective design drawing on the health belief model and the transtheoretical model. In total, 377 older persons who presented with hearing probl... Read More about Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers.

Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Naylor, G., Kramer, S. E., Zekveld, A. A., Wendt, D., Ohlenforst, B., & Lunner, T. (2018). Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task. Ear and Hearing, 39(3), 573–582.

Objective: people with hearing impairment are likely to experience higher levels of fatigue due to effortful listening in daily communication. This hearing-related fatigue might not only constrain their work performance, but also result in withdrawal... Read More about Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task.

Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation (2017)
Journal Article
Ohlenforst, B., Zekveld, A. A., Lunner, T., Wendt, D., Naylor, G., Wang, Y., Versfeld, N. J., & Kramer, S. E. (2017). Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation. Hearing Research, 351,

Previous research has reported effects of masker type and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on listening effort, as indicated by the peak pupil dilation (PPD) relative to baseline during speech recognition. At about 50% correct sentence recognition perform... Read More about Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation.

Unilateral versus bilateral hearing aids for bilateral hearing impairment in adults (2017)
Journal Article
Browning, G. G., Howell, P., Whitmer, W. M., Ftouh, S., Chong, L. Y., & Naylor, G. (in press). Unilateral versus bilateral hearing aids for bilateral hearing impairment in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows:
To assess the effects of bilateral versus unilateral hearing aids in adults with a bilateral hearing impairment.

Effects of hearing impairment and hearing aid amplification on listening effort - a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Ohlenforst, B., Zekveld, A., Jansma, E., Wang, Y., Naylor, G., Lorens, A., Lunner, T., & Kramer, S. (in press). Effects of hearing impairment and hearing aid amplification on listening effort - a systematic review. Ear and Hearing, 38(3),

Objectives: To undertake a systematic review of available evidence on the effect of hearing impairment and hearing-aid amplification on listening effort. Two research questions were addressed: Q1) does hearing impairment affect listening effort? and... Read More about Effects of hearing impairment and hearing aid amplification on listening effort - a systematic review.