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Dr Jesum Alves Fernandes' Outputs (2)

Host–Guest Chemistry in Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Interactions with Polyoxometalates and Mechanism of Encapsulation (2022)
Journal Article
Jordan, J. W., Chernov, A. I., Rance, G. A., Stephen Davies, E., Lanterna, A. E., Alves Fernandes, J., Grüneis, A., Ramasse, Q., Newton, G. N., & Khlobystov, A. N. (2023). Host–Guest Chemistry in Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Interactions with Polyoxometalates and Mechanism of Encapsulation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(2), 1206-1215.

Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) are an emerging class of molecular container offering new functionalities and possibilities for studying molecules at the nanoscale. Herein, BNNTs are demonstrated as highly effective nanocontainers for polyoxometalate... Read More about Host–Guest Chemistry in Boron Nitride Nanotubes: Interactions with Polyoxometalates and Mechanism of Encapsulation.

Defect Etching in Carbon Nanotube Walls for Porous Carbon Nanoreactors: Implications for CO2 Sorption and the Hydrosilylation of Phenylacetylene (2022)
Journal Article
Astle, M. A., Weilhard, A., Rance, G. A., LeMercier, T. M., Stoppiello, C. T., Norman, L. T., Fernandes, J. A., & Khlobystov, A. N. (2022). Defect Etching in Carbon Nanotube Walls for Porous Carbon Nanoreactors: Implications for CO2 Sorption and the Hydrosilylation of Phenylacetylene. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(2), 2075-2086.

A method of pore fabrication in the walls of carbon nanotubes has been developed, leading to porous nanotubes that have been filled with catalysts and utilized in liquid- and gas-phase reactions. Chromium oxide nanoparticles have been utilized as hig... Read More about Defect Etching in Carbon Nanotube Walls for Porous Carbon Nanoreactors: Implications for CO2 Sorption and the Hydrosilylation of Phenylacetylene.