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Resisting big data exploitations in public healthcare: free riding or distributive justice? (2019)
Journal Article
Vezyridis, P., & Timmons, S. (2019). Resisting big data exploitations in public healthcare: free riding or distributive justice?. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(8), 1585-1599.

We draw on findings from qualitative interviews with health data researchers, GPs and citizens who opted out from NHS England's programme to explore controversies and negotiations around data sharing in the NHS. Drawing on theoretical persp... Read More about Resisting big data exploitations in public healthcare: free riding or distributive justice?.

Trialling technologies to reduce hospital in‐patient falls: an agential realist analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Timmons, S., Vezyridis, P., & Sahota, O. (2019). Trialling technologies to reduce hospital in‐patient falls: an agential realist analysis. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(6), 1104-1119.

This paper analyses the 'failure' of a patient safety intervention. Our study was part of an RCT of bed and bedside chair pressure sensors linked to radio pagers to prevent bedside falls in older people admitted to hospital. We use agential realism w... Read More about Trialling technologies to reduce hospital in‐patient falls: an agential realist analysis.