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Mr JONATHAN MOORE's Outputs (1)

Terpene polyacrylate TPA5 shows favorable molecular hydrodynamic properties as a potential bioinspired archaeological wood consolidant (2021)
Journal Article
Cutajar, M., Andriulo, F., Thomsett, M. R., Moore, J. C., Couturaud, B., Howdle, S. M., Stockman, R. A., & Harding, S. E. (2021). Terpene polyacrylate TPA5 shows favorable molecular hydrodynamic properties as a potential bioinspired archaeological wood consolidant. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 7343.

There is currently a pressing need for the development of novel bioinspired consolidants for waterlogged, archaeological wood. Bioinspired materials possess many advantages, such as biocompatibility and sustainability, which makes them ideal to use i... Read More about Terpene polyacrylate TPA5 shows favorable molecular hydrodynamic properties as a potential bioinspired archaeological wood consolidant.