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Machine Learning: The Dimension of a Polytope (2023)
Book Chapter
Coates, T., Hofscheier, J., & Kasprzyk, A. M. (2023). Machine Learning: The Dimension of a Polytope. In Machine Learning in Pure Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (85-104). World Scientific.

We use machine learning to predict the dimension of a lattice polytope directly from its Ehrhart series. This is highly effective, achieving almost 100% accuracy. We also use machine learning to recover the volume of a lattice polytope from its Ehrha... Read More about Machine Learning: The Dimension of a Polytope.

Fano polytopes (2012)
Book Chapter
Kasprzyk, A. M., & Nill, B. (2012). Fano polytopes. In A. Rebhan, L. Katzarkov, J. Knapp, R. Rashkov, & E. Scheidegger (Eds.), Strings, gauge fields, and the geometry behind: the legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer (349-364). World Scientific.

Fano polytopes are the convex-geometric objects corresponding to toric Fano varieties. We give a brief survey of classification results for different classes of Fano polytopes.