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Professor MARTIN ORRELL's Outputs (7)

Dementia and hearing-aid use: a two-way street (2022)
Journal Article
Naylor, G., Dillard, L., Orrell, M., Stephan, B. C. M., Zobay, O., & Saunders, G. H. (2022). Dementia and hearing-aid use: a two-way street. Age and Ageing, 51(12), Article afac266.

Hearing-aid use may reduce risk of dementia, but cognitive impairment makes use more challenging. An observed association between reduced hearing-aid use and incident dementia could reflect either or both of these causal paths. The object... Read More about Dementia and hearing-aid use: a two-way street.

Participatory visual arts activities for people with dementia: a review (2022)
Book Chapter
Barroso, A. C., Rai, H. K., Sousa, L., Orrell, M., & Schneider, J. (2022). Participatory visual arts activities for people with dementia: a review. In M. Orrell, D. Oliveira, O. McDermott, F. R. Verhey, F. C. Dassen, & R.-M. Dröes (Eds.), Improving the Lives of People with Dementia through Technology: Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (100-126). Routledge.

The aims of this review were to report and summarise the effects of interventions using participatory visual arts activities in dementia research through a narrative synthesis systematic review. We searched four databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO an... Read More about Participatory visual arts activities for people with dementia: a review.

Thinkability: A new app for cognitive stimulation for people with dementia (2022)
Book Chapter
Rai, H. K., Schneider, J., & Orrell, M. (2022). Thinkability: A new app for cognitive stimulation for people with dementia. In M. Orrell, D. Oliveira, O. McDermott, F. R. Verhey, F. C. Dassen, & R.-M. Dröes (Eds.), Improving the Lives of People with Dementia through Technology: Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (86-99). Routledge.

People with dementia benefit from activities that stimulate their cognition, and there is evidence that carers can benefit too. Among psychosocial interventions to help this group, cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) is well established as the treatm... Read More about Thinkability: A new app for cognitive stimulation for people with dementia.

A cross sectional survey on UK older adult’s attitudes to ageing, dementia and positive psychology attributes (2022)
Journal Article
Thelu, M., Webster, B., Jones, K., & Orrell, M. (2022). A cross sectional survey on UK older adult’s attitudes to ageing, dementia and positive psychology attributes. BMC Geriatrics, 22, Article 837.

With an increasingly ageing population worldwide, the predominant attitude towards ageing is still negative. Negative stereotypes have detrimental effects on individuals’ physical and mental health. Evidence is required about factors that... Read More about A cross sectional survey on UK older adult’s attitudes to ageing, dementia and positive psychology attributes.

A Self-management App for People Living With Mild Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a Pre-Post Feasibility Study (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, A. R., McDermott, O., Guo, B., Roe, J., & Orrell, M. (2022). A Self-management App for People Living With Mild Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a Pre-Post Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(7), Article e33881.

Background: With the rapid increase in the prevalence of dementia in the United Kingdom and beyond, the emotional, social, and economic burden on individuals, families, and health care services continues to rise. Currently, interventions that enable... Read More about A Self-management App for People Living With Mild Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a Pre-Post Feasibility Study.

Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit (2022)
Journal Article
Coleston-Shields, D. M., Challis, D., Worden, A., Broome, E., Dening, T., Guo, B., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Morris, S., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. (2022). Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit. Trials, 23, Article 54.

Background: Improving care at home for people with dementia is a core policy goal in the dementia strategies of many European countries. A challenge to effective home support is the occurrence of crises in the care of people with dementia which arise... Read More about Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit.

Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Coleston-Shields, D. M., Challis, D., Worden, A., Broome, E., Dening, T., Guo, B., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Morris, S., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit


Improving care at home for people with dementia is a core policy goal in the dementia strategies of many European countries. A challenge to effective home support is the occurrence of crises in the care of people with dementia which ari... Read More about Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit..