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Professor MARTIN ORRELL's Outputs (5)

Optimizing implementation of eHealth for dementia: Lessons from developing an eHealth Implementation Readiness (EmpRess) checklist (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Christie, H. L., Atefi, G. L., Craven, M. P., Orrell, M., & de Vugt, M. E. (2023, October). Optimizing implementation of eHealth for dementia: Lessons from developing an eHealth Implementation Readiness (EmpRess) checklist. Poster presented at 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference, Helsinki, Finland

Situation: eHealth interventions are a possible solution for rising dementia care costs and potential negative effects on carers

Problem: Few evidence-based eHealth interventions are implemented in practice

Solution :
Adapt existing implementa... Read More about Optimizing implementation of eHealth for dementia: Lessons from developing an eHealth Implementation Readiness (EmpRess) checklist.

Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): randomised controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Harwood, R. H., Goldberg, S. E., Brand, A., van Der Wardt, V., Booth, V., Di Lorito, C., Hoare, Z., Hancox, J., Bajwa, R., Burgon, C., Howe, L., Cowley, A., Bramley, T., Long, A., Lock, J., Tucker, R., Adams, E. J., O’Brien, R., Kearney, F., Kowalewska, K., …Masud, T. (2023). Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 382, Article e074787.

Objective To determine the effectiveness of an exercise and functional activity therapy intervention in adults with early dementia or mild cognitive impairment compared with usual care.

Design Randomised controlled trial.

Setting Participants’... Read More about Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): randomised controlled trial.

A predictive model of carer resilience in dementia family caregiving: A structural equation modelling approach (2023)
Journal Article
Leung, P., Orrell, M., Yates, L., & Orgeta, V. (2023). A predictive model of carer resilience in dementia family caregiving: A structural equation modelling approach. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(7), Article e5945.

Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the mediating effects of quality of the caregiving relationship and other carer and person with dementia variables in predicting carer resilience over time. Method: Carers of people with mild and moderate d... Read More about A predictive model of carer resilience in dementia family caregiving: A structural equation modelling approach.

Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia intervention for people with mild to moderate dementia and their family carers in the UK: the VALID research programme including RCT (2023)
Journal Article
Wenborn, J., Mountain, G., Moniz-Cook, E., Poland, F., King, M., Omar, R., O’Keeffe, A., Morris, S., Pizzo, E., Michie, S., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Graff, M., Hill, J., Challis, D., Russell, I., Sackley, C., Hynes, S., Crellin, N., Mundy, J., Burgess, J., …Orrell, M. (2023). Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia intervention for people with mild to moderate dementia and their family carers in the UK: the VALID research programme including RCT. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 11(5), 1-76.


People with dementia find it increasingly difficult to carry out daily activities (activities of daily living), and may require increasing support from family carers. Researchers in the Netherlands developed the Community Occupational T... Read More about Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia intervention for people with mild to moderate dementia and their family carers in the UK: the VALID research programme including RCT.

Online peer support: views and experiences of people with young onset dementia (YOD) (2023)
Journal Article
Gerritzen, E. V., McDermott, O., & Orrell, M. (2023). Online peer support: views and experiences of people with young onset dementia (YOD). Aging and Mental Health, 27(12), 2386-2394.

Objectives: This study explores (1) which platforms people with YOD use for online peer support, (2) reasons for using or not using online peer support, and (3) how to optimise potential benefits and accessibility. Methods: A mixed-methods online sur... Read More about Online peer support: views and experiences of people with young onset dementia (YOD).