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Dr VALENTIN HELLER's Outputs (5)

Numerical Investigation of Impulse Waves Impacting on Dams (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Attili, T., Heller, V., & Triantafyllou, S. (2022, June). Numerical Investigation of Impulse Waves Impacting on Dams. Presented at Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress From Snow to Sea, Granada, Spain

Impulse waves are generated by landslides, rockfalls and iceberg calving in water bodies such as lakes and reservoirs. These waves represent a persistent danger for dams, e.g. in the 1963 Vajont disaster an impulse wave impacted and overtopped the Va... Read More about Numerical Investigation of Impulse Waves Impacting on Dams.

Numerical Investigation of Landslide-Tsunamis Generated by Different Mass Movement Types (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, J., Heller, V., & Wang, Y. (2022, June). Numerical Investigation of Landslide-Tsunamis Generated by Different Mass Movement Types. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022), Granada, Spain

Landslide-tsunamis, also called impulse waves, are generated by mass movements, such as landslides, rock falls or iceberg calving, impacting into a water body. Past cases such as the Vajont landslide-tsunami event, which caused approximately 2000 cas... Read More about Numerical Investigation of Landslide-Tsunamis Generated by Different Mass Movement Types.

Analytical and Numerical Study of Novel Scaling Laws for Air-Water Flows (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Catucci, D., Briganti, R., & Heller, V. (2022, June). Analytical and Numerical Study of Novel Scaling Laws for Air-Water Flows. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022), Granada, Spain

Physical modelling in the laboratory is widely used for hydraulic investigations. Froude similarity results in significant scale effects in small models for flows involving air-entrainment. Such air-water flows are essential for many hydraulic applic... Read More about Analytical and Numerical Study of Novel Scaling Laws for Air-Water Flows.

Numerical Investigation of Waves Interacting with Rigid and Flexible Plates (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Attili, T., Heller, V., & Triantafyllou, S. (2022, June). Numerical Investigation of Waves Interacting with Rigid and Flexible Plates. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada

The physics governing the impact of waves on coastal structures, referred to as wave-structure interaction (WSI), pose a serious challenge for a range of coastal applications such as oil and gas rigs, offshore wind turbine platforms, breakwaters, flo... Read More about Numerical Investigation of Waves Interacting with Rigid and Flexible Plates.

New Physical Insight into Landslide-Tsunamis Using Non-Linear Wave Decomposition (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Constance, B., & Heller, V. (2022, June). New Physical Insight into Landslide-Tsunamis Using Non-Linear Wave Decomposition. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain

Potentially devastating tsunamis are generated by landslides impacting into water bodies. Such subaerial landslide-tsunamis are typically predicted with empirical equations, which, however, fail to appropriately capture some of the underlying physics... Read More about New Physical Insight into Landslide-Tsunamis Using Non-Linear Wave Decomposition.