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Dr Tom Cox's Outputs (2)

Adapting narrative exposure therapy for Chinese earthquake survivors: a pilot randomised controlled feasibility study (2014)
Journal Article
Zang, Y., Hunt, N., & Cox, T. (2014). Adapting narrative exposure therapy for Chinese earthquake survivors: a pilot randomised controlled feasibility study. BMC Psychiatry, 14(1), Article 262.

© 2014 Zang et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is a brief, manualised treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It has been shown to have therapeutic benefits for a wide range of individuals an... Read More about Adapting narrative exposure therapy for Chinese earthquake survivors: a pilot randomised controlled feasibility study.

Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience (2013)
Journal Article
Amponsah-Tawiah, K., Jain, A., Leka, S., Hollis, D., & Cox, T. (2013). Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience. Journal of Safety Research, 45, 75-84.

Introduction In addition to hazardous conditions that are prevalent in mines, there are various physical and psychosocial risk factors that can affect mine workers' safety and health. Without due diligence to mine safety, these risk factors can affec... Read More about Examining psychosocial and physical hazards in the Ghanaian mining industry and their implications for employees' safety experience.