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Dynamics of INSL3 Peptide Expression in the Rodent Testis (2009)
Journal Article
Anand-Ivell, R., Heng, K., Hafen, B., Setchell, B., & Ivell, R. (2009). Dynamics of INSL3 Peptide Expression in the Rodent Testis. Biology of Reproduction, 81(3), 480-487.

The Leydig cell-specific factor insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is involved in testicular descent during embryo development, and has been suggested to regulate spermatogenesis and bone metabolism in the adult. Using a new, sensitive assay specific for... Read More about Dynamics of INSL3 Peptide Expression in the Rodent Testis.

Demographic, physical and lifestyle factors associated with androgen status: The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS) (2009)
Journal Article
Atlantis, E., Martin, S. A., Haren, M. T., O'Loughlin, P. D., Taylor, A. W., Anand-Ivell, R., Ivell, R., & Wittert, G. A. (2009). Demographic, physical and lifestyle factors associated with androgen status: The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS). Clinical Endocrinology, 71(2), 261-272.

Objective Plasma androgen levels are inversely associated with health in men, the age-related decline of which may result from factors other than ageing per se. This study aimed to determine the effects of demographic, physical and lifestyle factors... Read More about Demographic, physical and lifestyle factors associated with androgen status: The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS).

Biology of insulin-like factor 3 in human reproduction (2009)
Journal Article
Ivell, R., & Anand-ivell, R. (2009). Biology of insulin-like factor 3 in human reproduction. Human Reproduction Update, 15(4), 463-476.

Background: Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) is a neohormone that has evolved to address specific mammalian traits, in particular, the first phase of testicular descent towards the scrotum during mid-gestation. Methods: A thorough literature search was... Read More about Biology of insulin-like factor 3 in human reproduction.

Prenatal induced chronic dietary hypothyroidism delays but does not block adult-type Leydig cell development (2009)
Journal Article
Rijntjes, E., Swarts, H. J., Anand-Ivell, R., & Teerds, K. J. (2009). Prenatal induced chronic dietary hypothyroidism delays but does not block adult-type Leydig cell development. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 296(2), E305-E314.

Transient hypothyroidism induced by propyl-2-thiouracyl blocks postpartum Leydig cell development. In the present study, the effects of chronic hypothyroidism on the formation of this adult-type Leydig cell population were investigated, using a more... Read More about Prenatal induced chronic dietary hypothyroidism delays but does not block adult-type Leydig cell development.