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Dr JACK CHAPLIN's Outputs (25)

Conceptual framework for ubiquitous cyber-physical assembly systems in airframe assembly (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanderson, D., Chaplin, J. C., & Ratchev, S. Conceptual framework for ubiquitous cyber-physical assembly systems in airframe assembly. Presented at 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2018)

Current sectoral drivers for the manufacturing of complex products - such as airframe assembly -require new manufacturing system paradigms to meet them. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework for cyber-physical systems driven by ubiquitous... Read More about Conceptual framework for ubiquitous cyber-physical assembly systems in airframe assembly.

Common shared system model for evolvable assembly systems (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanderson, D., Chaplin, J., & Ratchev, S. Common shared system model for evolvable assembly systems. Presented at Model-Based Enterprise Summit 2018

A vital aspect of distributed control in an adaptable production system is coherence between each system resource. The Evolvable Assembly Systems project addresses this challenge using a common shared system model. This paper provides an overview of... Read More about Common shared system model for evolvable assembly systems.

Functional modelling in evolvable assembly systems (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sanderson, D., Chaplin, J. C., & Ratchev, S. Functional modelling in evolvable assembly systems. Presented at 8th International Precision Assembly Seminar

The design and reconfiguration of adaptive production systems is a key driver in modern advanced manufacturing. We summarise the use of an ap-proach from the field of functional modelling to capture the function, behaviour, and structure of a system.... Read More about Functional modelling in evolvable assembly systems.

Synthesising industry-standard manufacturing process controllers (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
de Silva, L., Felli, P., Chaplin, J. C., Logan, B., Sanderson, D., & Ratchev, S. (2017, May). Synthesising industry-standard manufacturing process controllers. Presented at Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Realisability of production recipes (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
de Silva, L., Felli, P., Chaplin, J. C., Logan, B., Sanderson, D., & Ratchev, S. (2016, August). Realisability of production recipes. Presented at 22nd European Conference in Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague, The Netherlands

There is a rising demand for customised products with a high degree of complexity. To meet these demands, manufacturing lines are increasingly becoming autonomous, networked, and intelligent, with production lines being virtualised into a manufacturi... Read More about Realisability of production recipes.