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Filter based methods for statistical linear inverse problems (2017)
Journal Article
Iglesias, M., Lin, K., Shuai, L., & Stuart, A. M. (2017). Filter based methods for statistical linear inverse problems. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 15(7), 1867–1896.

Ill-posed inverse problems are ubiquitous in applications. Understanding of algorithms for their solution has been greatly enhanced by a deep understanding of the linear inverse problem. In the applied communities ensemble-based filtering methods hav... Read More about Filter based methods for statistical linear inverse problems.

Bayesian inferences of the thermal properties of a wall using temperature and heat flux measurements (2017)
Journal Article
Iglesias, M., Sawlan, Z., Scavino, M., Tempone, R., & Wood, C. J. (2018). Bayesian inferences of the thermal properties of a wall using temperature and heat flux measurements. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 116,

The assessment of the thermal properties of walls is essential for accurate building energy simulations that are needed to make effective energy-saving policies. These properties are usually investigated through in-situ measurements of temperature an... Read More about Bayesian inferences of the thermal properties of a wall using temperature and heat flux measurements.