An independent evaluation of the outcomes for looked after and vulnerable children attending boarding schools
Murphy, D., Oliver, M., Adkins, M., De Fraja, . G., & Chen, S. (2024). An independent evaluation of the outcomes for looked after and vulnerable children attending boarding schools. London: Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation
Dr MICHAEL ADKINS's Outputs (5)
Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report (2023)
Wake, G., Adkins, M., Dalby, D., Hall, J., Joubert, M., Lee, G. C.-Y., & Noyes, A. (2023). Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report. Department for EducationThe intervention was designed to improve post-16 students’ learning of level 2 mathematics. In general, the approach used was one of teaching for mastery in FE, aligned to principles developed by teachers and educators working with the Centres for Ex... Read More about Centres for Excellence in Maths Teaching for Mastery Randomised Controlled Trial: Evaluation Report.
The mathematics pipeline in England: Patterns, interventions and excellence (2023)
Noyes, A., Brignell, C., Jacques, L., Powell, J., & Adkins, M. (2023). The mathematics pipeline in England: Patterns, interventions and excellence. Centre for Research in Mathematics Education (CRME)
PISA: Engagement, Attainment and interest in Science (PEAS) (2021)
Oliver, M., Jerrim, J., & Adkins, M. J. (2021). PISA: Engagement, Attainment and interest in Science (PEAS). London: Nuffield FoundationThe way in which science is taught can influence how interested, engaged and informed students are. Teachers are responsible for the delivery of curriculum content as well as shaping views towards, beliefs about and ‘trust’ in science. Different inst... Read More about PISA: Engagement, Attainment and interest in Science (PEAS).
Catch Up Numeracy Evaluation report and executive summary (2019)
Hodgen, J., Adkins, M., Ainsworth, S., & Evans, S. (2019). Catch Up Numeracy Evaluation report and executive summary. UK: Education Endowment Foundation