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Dr SARAH-JANE PAGE's Outputs (15)

Raising ‘True Believers’: Anti-Abortion ‘Education’ for Primary Children in the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Lowe, P., & Page, S.-J. (2024). Raising ‘True Believers’: Anti-Abortion ‘Education’ for Primary Children in the UK. Sociological Research Online, 29(3), 527-543.

In the UK, the vast majority of people accept abortion, whether or not they are religious. Holding an absolutist anti-abortion view is out of line with the general population. The overwhelming majority of anti-abortion activists are motivated by cons... Read More about Raising ‘True Believers’: Anti-Abortion ‘Education’ for Primary Children in the UK.

Gendered Violence, Religion and UK-Based Anti-Abortion Activism (2022)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J., & Lowe, P. (2022). Gendered Violence, Religion and UK-Based Anti-Abortion Activism. Religion and Gender, 12(1), 5-28.

The United Nations view access to abortion as a fundamental human right. Yet increasingly in the UK, religiously-motivated activists undertake public displays opposing abortion, often outside abortion clinics, and precipitated through international c... Read More about Gendered Violence, Religion and UK-Based Anti-Abortion Activism.

Navigating Youth Transitions as a Buddhist: Privilege, reflexivity and sexuality (2021)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J., & Yip, A. K. T. (2021). Navigating Youth Transitions as a Buddhist: Privilege, reflexivity and sexuality. Journal of Global Buddhism, 22(2), 380-398.

This article focuses on how young Buddhists (aged between 18 and 25, living in the UK, who typically had not been raised Buddhist) utilised reflexivity as a strategy to navigate youth transitions. Participants’ decision-making was premised on Buddhis... Read More about Navigating Youth Transitions as a Buddhist: Privilege, reflexivity and sexuality.

Understanding young adult Muslim and Christian attitudes toward queer identity: A Canadian and UK comparison (2021)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J., & Shipley, H. (2022). Understanding young adult Muslim and Christian attitudes toward queer identity: A Canadian and UK comparison. Sexualities, 25(5-6), 785-803.

This article utilises data from two parallel mixed-methods projects to examine attitudes to queer identity among heterosexual Muslim and Christian young adults aged between 18 and 25 in Canada and the UK. Drawing on questionnaires, interviews and vid... Read More about Understanding young adult Muslim and Christian attitudes toward queer identity: A Canadian and UK comparison.

Sophie's choice: Narratives of ‘saving’ in British public debates on abortion (2020)
Journal Article
Lowe, P., & Page, S.-J. (2020). Sophie's choice: Narratives of ‘saving’ in British public debates on abortion. Women's Studies International Forum, 79, Article 102332.

In the UK, narratives about saved women and babies have been a significant feature in anti-abortion campaigns to oppose bufferzones, which seek to prevent anti-abortion activists from being directly outside abortion clinics. Anti-abortion activists a... Read More about Sophie's choice: Narratives of ‘saving’ in British public debates on abortion.

Rights-based claims made by UK anti-abortion activists (2019)
Journal Article
Lowe, P., & Page, S.-J. (2019). Rights-based claims made by UK anti-abortion activists. Health and Human Rights,

This article analyzes the ways in which rights-based arguments are utilized by anti-abortion activists in the UK. Drawing on an ethnographic study featuring 30 abortion clinic sites, anti-abortion marches, and other campaigns, we argue that rights-ba... Read More about Rights-based claims made by UK anti-abortion activists.

‘On the wet side of the womb’: The construction of ‘mothers’ in anti-abortion activism in England and Wales (2018)
Journal Article
Lowe, P., & Page, S.-J. (2019). ‘On the wet side of the womb’: The construction of ‘mothers’ in anti-abortion activism in England and Wales. European Journal of Women's Studies, 26(2), 165-180.

Across the UK, there has been an increase in anti-abortion activism outside abortion clinics. The activism deployed includes explicitly religious activities such as ‘prayerful witnessing’ and ‘pavement counselling’, which aim to discourage women from... Read More about ‘On the wet side of the womb’: The construction of ‘mothers’ in anti-abortion activism in England and Wales.

Anglican clergy husbands securing middle-class gendered privilege through religion (2017)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2017). Anglican clergy husbands securing middle-class gendered privilege through religion. Sociological Research Online, 22(1), 187-199.

Traditionally, clergy wives have been obliged to assist the Church in an unpaid capacity; such work has been feminised, associated with the assumed competencies of women (Denton 1962; Finch 1980, 1983; Murphy-Geiss 2011). Clergy husbands are a relati... Read More about Anglican clergy husbands securing middle-class gendered privilege through religion.

Altruism and Sacrifice: Anglican Priests Managing 'Intensive' Priesthood and Motherhood (2016)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2016). Altruism and Sacrifice: Anglican Priests Managing 'Intensive' Priesthood and Motherhood. Religion and Gender, 6(1), 47-63.

Motherhood and Priesthood are two roles that carry with them particular expectations and demands; both are premised on the notion of altruism and sacrifice, constant availability, and putting the needs of others before one's own. This has also been g... Read More about Altruism and Sacrifice: Anglican Priests Managing 'Intensive' Priesthood and Motherhood.

The scrutinized priest: Women in the Church of England Negotiating Professional and Sacred Clothing Choices (2013)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2014). The scrutinized priest: Women in the Church of England Negotiating Professional and Sacred Clothing Choices. Gender, Work and Organization, 21(4), 295-307.

This article examines the integration of women priests in the Church of England through the lens of dress. Clothing is a salient dynamic in occupational cultures, particularly in relation to the regulation of gendered bodies. Women's ordination to th... Read More about The scrutinized priest: Women in the Church of England Negotiating Professional and Sacred Clothing Choices.

Women, Mothers, and Priests in the Church of England. What a Vocation! (2012)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2012). Women, Mothers, and Priests in the Church of England. What a Vocation!. Travail, genre et sociétés, 27(1), 55-71.

This paper will consider how women priests in the Church of England have been incorporated into the occupational life of the Church, highlighting the ways in which women are negotiating a discriminatory terrain. Although general opposition to women’s... Read More about Women, Mothers, and Priests in the Church of England. What a Vocation!.

Religious young adults recounting the past: narrating sexual and religious cultures in school (2012)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J., & Yip, A. (2012). Religious young adults recounting the past: narrating sexual and religious cultures in school. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 33(3), 405-415.

Schooling can be a pivotal time in young people’s formative experience when identities are negotiated and forged. However, contradictory dominant cultures can operate within the school context, making it very challenging for individuals to negotiate... Read More about Religious young adults recounting the past: narrating sexual and religious cultures in school.

Negotiating sacred roles: A Sociological Exploration of Priests who Are Mothers (2011)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2011). Negotiating sacred roles: A Sociological Exploration of Priests who Are Mothers. Feminist Review, 97(1), 43-64.

In 1992, in a historic move, the Church of England voted to allow women's ordination to priesthood and in 1994 the first women priests started to be ordained. Despite much research interest, the experiences of priests who are mothers to dependent chi... Read More about Negotiating sacred roles: A Sociological Exploration of Priests who Are Mothers.

The Construction of Masculinities and Femininities in the Church of England: The Case of the Male Clergy Spouse (2008)
Journal Article
Page, S.-J. (2008). The Construction of Masculinities and Femininities in the Church of England: The Case of the Male Clergy Spouse. Feminist Theology, 17(1), 31-42.

The ordination of women to the priesthood in the Church of England in 1994 signified great change. The impact of the new priests was well documented, and their integration became the focus of much research in the following years. One important area o... Read More about The Construction of Masculinities and Femininities in the Church of England: The Case of the Male Clergy Spouse.