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Professor GIAMMARIO IMPULLITTI's Outputs (2)

Globalization and wage polarization (2015)
Journal Article
Cozzi, G., & Impullitti, G. (in press). Globalization and wage polarization. Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(5),

In the 1980s and 1990s, the US labour market experiences a remarkable polarization along with fast technological catch-up, as Europe and Japan improve their global innovation performance. Is foreign technological convergence an important source of wa... Read More about Globalization and wage polarization.

Global innovation races, offshoring and wage inequality (2015)
Journal Article
Impullitti, G. (2016). Global innovation races, offshoring and wage inequality. Review of International Economics, 24(1), 171-202.

In the 1970s and 1980s the US position as the global technological leader was increasingly challenged by Japan and Europe. In those years the US skill premium and residual wage inequality increased substantially. This paper presents a two-region qual... Read More about Global innovation races, offshoring and wage inequality.