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Professor AMANDA WRIGHT's Outputs (2)

Non-iterative aberration retrieval based on the spot shape around focus (2022)
Journal Article
Smid, P., See, C. W., Somekh, M. G., & Wright, A. J. (2022). Non-iterative aberration retrieval based on the spot shape around focus. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 157, Article 107108.

A non-iterative, robust, aberration retrieval method to determine primary aberrations by utilizing the intensity distribution at and around focus is presented. The primary Zernike aberrations (coma, spherical aberration and astigmatism) are retrieved... Read More about Non-iterative aberration retrieval based on the spot shape around focus.

Ultra-compact and ultra-broadband hybrid plasmonic-photonic vertical coupler with high coupling efficiency, directivity, and polarisation extinction ratio (2022)
Journal Article
Pezeshki, H., Wright, A. J., & Larkins, E. C. (2022). Ultra-compact and ultra-broadband hybrid plasmonic-photonic vertical coupler with high coupling efficiency, directivity, and polarisation extinction ratio. IET Optoelectronics, 16(3), 124-132.

An ultra-compact, ultra-broadband vertical coupler for dense photonic integrated circuits is reported with a 1.07×0.62μm2 wavelength-scale footprint. This hybrid plasmonic-photonic coupler uses a unique two-plane plasmonic nanoantenna array on a sili... Read More about Ultra-compact and ultra-broadband hybrid plasmonic-photonic vertical coupler with high coupling efficiency, directivity, and polarisation extinction ratio.