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Professor TOM DENING's Outputs (10)

When Hearing Loss Co-occurs with Dementia: Challenges and Opportunities in Diagnosis and Management (2023)
Book Chapter
Broome, E., Burgon, C., Heffernan, E., Dening, T., Calvert, S., Rajasingam, S., & Henshaw, H. (2023). When Hearing Loss Co-occurs with Dementia: Challenges and Opportunities in Diagnosis and Management. In A. Ciorba, & S. Hatzopoulos (Eds.), Updates on Hearing Loss and its Rehabilitation (1-27). InTech.

Both dementia and hearing loss are highly prevalent in older adults and often coexist, increasing the complexity of diagnosis and management of both conditions. As the population ages, an increasing number of people will experience both long-term con... Read More about When Hearing Loss Co-occurs with Dementia: Challenges and Opportunities in Diagnosis and Management.

A comparative study of GNN and MLP based machine learning for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease involving data synthesis. (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, K., Weng, Y., Hosseini, A. A., Dening, T., Zuo, G., & Zhang, Y. (2024). A comparative study of GNN and MLP based machine learning for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease involving data synthesis. Neural Networks, 169, 442-452.

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that commonly occurs in older people. It is characterized by both cognitive and functional impairment. However, as AD has an unclear pathological cause, it can be hard to diagnose with confidenc... Read More about A comparative study of GNN and MLP based machine learning for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease involving data synthesis..

New horizons in hearing conditions (2023)
Journal Article
Henshaw, H., Calvert, S., Heffernan, E., Broome, E. E., Fackrell, K., Dening, T., & Burgon, C. (2023). New horizons in hearing conditions. Age and Ageing, 52(8), Article afad150.

Hearing conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis are highly prevalent in the population and can severely impact communication and quality of life. Hearing is affected by multiple factors, including heredity, noise exposure, age, sex,... Read More about New horizons in hearing conditions.

Living Well with Dementia: Feeling Empowered through Interaction with Their Social Environment (2023)
Journal Article
Ziebuhr, B., Zanasi, M., Bueno Aguado, Y., Losada Durán, R., Dening, T., Tournier, I., Niedderer, K., Diaz, A., Druschke, D., Almeida, R., & Holthoff-Detto, V. (2023). Living Well with Dementia: Feeling Empowered through Interaction with Their Social Environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(12), Article 6080.

This study was designed to advance our understanding of how feelings of empowerment in people living with dementia still residing at home can be promoted. We conducted qualitative interviews with 12 participants with mild-to-moderate stages of dement... Read More about Living Well with Dementia: Feeling Empowered through Interaction with Their Social Environment.

Care for older forensic mental health patients: A consensus guidance document (2023)
Journal Article
Tomlin, J., Walker, K., Yates, J., Dening, T., Goethals, K., Völlm, B., & Griffiths, C. (2023). Care for older forensic mental health patients: A consensus guidance document. European Psychiatry, 66(1), Article e44.

It is important to investigate the needs, experiences, and outcomes of older forensic mental health inpatients. In this consensus document, we offer practitioners working with older forensic inpatients recommendations to meet the unique o... Read More about Care for older forensic mental health patients: A consensus guidance document.

Exploring factors influencing willingness of older adults to use assistive technologies: evidence from the cognitive function and ageing study II (2023)
Journal Article
Begde, A., Jain, M., Goodwin, M., Brayne, C., Barnes, L., Brooks, R., Green, E., Richardson, C., Dening, T., Wilcockson, T., & Hogervorst, E. (2024). Exploring factors influencing willingness of older adults to use assistive technologies: evidence from the cognitive function and ageing study II. Information, Communication and Society, 27(2), 368-385.

Technology is widely promoted as a solution to greater independence and better health for the rapidly growing UK older population. If this is to be realised, we need to understand barriers and facilitators to uptake and investigate who wants this tec... Read More about Exploring factors influencing willingness of older adults to use assistive technologies: evidence from the cognitive function and ageing study II.

Quality of life, wellbeing, recovery, and progress for older forensic mental health patients: a qualitative investigation based on the perspectives of patients and staff (2023)
Journal Article
Walker, K., Yates, J., Dening, T., Völlm, B., Tomlin, J., & Griffiths, C. (2023). Quality of life, wellbeing, recovery, and progress for older forensic mental health patients: a qualitative investigation based on the perspectives of patients and staff. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 18(1), Article 2202978.

There is a lack of research informing service requirements for older (aged≥55 years) forensic mental health patients. The aim of this research was to increase knowledge about older forensic mental health patients’ quality of life, wellbeing,... Read More about Quality of life, wellbeing, recovery, and progress for older forensic mental health patients: a qualitative investigation based on the perspectives of patients and staff.

Patient perceptions of cognitive screening in adult audiology services: A qualitative exploration (2023)
Journal Article
Broome, E. E., Tannirandorn, P., Straus, J., Beale, P., Heffernan, E., Dening, T., & Henshaw, H. (2023). Patient perceptions of cognitive screening in adult audiology services: A qualitative exploration. Frontiers in Neurology, 14, Article 1143128.

Introduction: Both hearing loss and dementia are extremely pervasive, especially amongst older adults. As hearing loss and dementia have common symptoms, misdiagnosis can be common, and failure to address hearing loss for people with dementia could a... Read More about Patient perceptions of cognitive screening in adult audiology services: A qualitative exploration.

An Investigation of the Wishes, Needs, Opportunities and Challenges of Accessing Meaningful Activities for People Living with Mild to Moderate Dementia (2023)
Journal Article
Tournier, I., Orton, L., Dening, T., Ahmed, A., Holthoff-Detto, V., & Niedderer, K. (2023). An Investigation of the Wishes, Needs, Opportunities and Challenges of Accessing Meaningful Activities for People Living with Mild to Moderate Dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(7), Article 5358.

Many people are keen to be actively involved in social life and activities, but even at an early stage, dementia can have a negative impact on social participation and access to leisure activities. As part of the IDoService project, this study has in... Read More about An Investigation of the Wishes, Needs, Opportunities and Challenges of Accessing Meaningful Activities for People Living with Mild to Moderate Dementia.