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Professor TOM DENING's Outputs (17)

Imagine arts: how the arts can transform care homes (2017)
Journal Article
Broome, E., Schneider, J. M., & Dening, T. (in press). Imagine arts: how the arts can transform care homes. Journal of Dementia Care,

There is a growing body of evidence that demonstrates that the arts have an important role in the care of people with dementia. The Baring Foundation, a UK based organisation which aims to improve the quality of life of those who may be disadvantaged... Read More about Imagine arts: how the arts can transform care homes.

Facilitating Imagine Arts in residential care homes: the artists’ perspectives (2017)
Journal Article
Broome, E., Dening, T., & Schneider, J. M. (2019). Facilitating Imagine Arts in residential care homes: the artists’ perspectives. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11(1), 54-66.

This study explores factors affecting the successful facilitation of a residential arts programme. The aim was to identify barriers and describe how they could be overcome, this was both formative, to help shape the programme, and summa... Read More about Facilitating Imagine Arts in residential care homes: the artists’ perspectives.

Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings (2017)
Journal Article
Goodman, C., Davies, S. L., Gordon, A. L., Dening, T., Gage, H., Meyer, J., Schneider, J. M., Bell, B., Jordan, J., Martin, F. C., Iliffe, S., Bowman, C., Gladman, J. R., Victor, C., Mayrhofer, A., Handley, M., & Zubair, M. (2017). Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings. Health Services and Delivery Research, 5(29),

Background: Care homes are the institutional providers of long-term care for older people. The OPTIMAL study argued that it is probable that there are key activities within different models of health-care provision that are important for residents’ h... Read More about Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings.

Using comprehensive geriatric assessment for quality improvements in healthcare of older people in UK care homes: protocol for realist review within Proactive Healthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH) study (2017)
Journal Article
Zubair, M., Chadborn, N., Gladman, J. R., Dening, T., Gordon, A. L., & Goodman, C. (2017). Using comprehensive geriatric assessment for quality improvements in healthcare of older people in UK care homes: protocol for realist review within Proactive Healthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH) study. BMJ Open, 7(10), Article e017270.


Care home residents are relatively high users of healthcare resources and may have complex needs. Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) may benefit care home residents and improve efficiency of care delivery. This is an approach t... Read More about Using comprehensive geriatric assessment for quality improvements in healthcare of older people in UK care homes: protocol for realist review within Proactive Healthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH) study.

Care staff and the creative arts: exploring the context of involving care personnel in arts interventions (2017)
Journal Article
Broome, E., Dening, T., Schneider, J. M., & Brooker, D. (in press). Care staff and the creative arts: exploring the context of involving care personnel in arts interventions. International Psychogeriatrics, 29(12),

We examined the involvement of care staff in creative arts activities in residential care.

Aspects of involvement which appear to influence outcomes in people with dementia were identified and analysed. A broad systematic literature sear... Read More about Care staff and the creative arts: exploring the context of involving care personnel in arts interventions.

Is late-life dependency increasing or not? A comparison of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (CFAS) (2017)
Journal Article
Kingston, A., Wohland, P., Wittenberg, R., Robinson, L., Brayne, C., Matthews, F. E., Jagger, C., Green, E., Gao, L., Barnes, R., Arthur, A., Baldwin, C., Barnes, L. E., Comas-Herrera, A., Dening, T., Forster, G., Harrison, S., Ince, P. G., McKeith, I. G., Parry, B., …Weller, R. (2017). Is late-life dependency increasing or not? A comparison of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (CFAS). Lancet, 390(10103), 1676-1684.

Background Little is known about how the proportions of dependency states have changed between generational cohorts of older people. We aimed to estimate years lived in different dependency states at age 65 years in 1991 and 2011, and new projections... Read More about Is late-life dependency increasing or not? A comparison of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (CFAS).

The individual experience of ageing prisoners: systematic review and meta-synthesis through a Good Lives Model framework (2017)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Völlm, B., & Dening, T. (2018). The individual experience of ageing prisoners: systematic review and meta-synthesis through a Good Lives Model framework. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33(2), 252-262.

Objective: The existing literature on ageing prisoners tends to focus on such aspects as diagnosis and physical ill-health. In contrast, the experience of imprisonment from the perspective of ageing prisoners has received less attention. Grounded in... Read More about The individual experience of ageing prisoners: systematic review and meta-synthesis through a Good Lives Model framework.

Assistive technologies to address capabilities of people with dementia: from research to practice (2017)
Journal Article
Kenigsberg, P.-A., Aquino, J.-P., Bérard, A., Brémond, F., Charras, K., Dening, T., Dröes, R.-M., Gzil, F., Hicks, B., Innes, A., Nguyen, M., Nygård, L., Pino, M., Sacco, G., Salmon, E., Roest, H. V. D., Villet, H., Villez, M., Robert, P., & Manera, V. (2019). Assistive technologies to address capabilities of people with dementia: from research to practice. Dementia, 18(4), 1568-1595.

Assistive technologies (AT) became pervasive and virtually present in all our life domains. They can be either an enabler or an obstacle leading to social exclusion. The Fondation Médéric Alzheimer gathered international experts of dementia care, wit... Read More about Assistive technologies to address capabilities of people with dementia: from research to practice.

The individual experience of ageing patients and the current service provision in the context of Italian forensic psychiatry: a case-study (2017)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Castelletti, L., Tripi, G., Gandellini, M. G., Dening, T., & Völlm, B. (in press). The individual experience of ageing patients and the current service provision in the context of Italian forensic psychiatry: a case-study. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 13(3),

Introduction. Following the recent development of residential units for the execution of security measures (REMS) managed by the National Health Service and the closing down of forensic psychiatric hospitals, no study has been conducted to investigat... Read More about The individual experience of ageing patients and the current service provision in the context of Italian forensic psychiatry: a case-study.

“Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press (2017)
Journal Article
Brookes, G., Harvey, K., Chadborn, N., & Dening, T. (2018). “Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press. Social Semiotics, 28(3), 371-395.

A recent (2016) Office for National Statistics report stated that dementia is now “the leading cause of death” in England and Wales. Ever fixated with the syndrome (an unfailingly newsworthy topic), the British press was quick to respond to the bulle... Read More about “Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press.

Feasibility of a staff training and support programme to improve pain assessment and management in people with dementia living in care homes (2017)
Journal Article
Petyaeva, A., Kajander, M., Lawrence, V., Clifton, L., Thomas, A. J., Ballard, C., Leroi, I., Briggs, M., Closs, J., Dening, T., Nunez, K. M., Testad, I., Romeo, R., Johar, I., & Corbett, A. (2018). Feasibility of a staff training and support programme to improve pain assessment and management in people with dementia living in care homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33(1), 221-231.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to establish the feasibility and initial effectiveness of training and support intervention for care staff to improve pain management in people with dementia living in care homes (PAIN-Dem). Methods: PAIN-D... Read More about Feasibility of a staff training and support programme to improve pain assessment and management in people with dementia living in care homes.

Psychiatric disorders among older prisoners: a systematic review and comparison study against older people in the community (2017)
Journal Article
Di Lorito, C., Völlm, B., & Dening, T. (in press). Psychiatric disorders among older prisoners: a systematic review and comparison study against older people in the community. Aging and Mental Health, 22(1),

Objectives: Despite emerging evidence that older prisoners experience poor mental health, literature in this area is still limited. In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, we report on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among older p... Read More about Psychiatric disorders among older prisoners: a systematic review and comparison study against older people in the community.

Suffering with dementia: the other side of "living well" (2017)
Journal Article
Bartlett, R., Windemuth-Wolfson, L., Oliver, K., & Dening, T. (2017). Suffering with dementia: the other side of "living well". International Psychogeriatrics, 29(2),

In this editorial, we challenge the current understanding of “Living Well with Dementia.” Such discourse introduces the possibility of not living well with the condition or even of “living badly with dementia.” Numerous words might be relevant here –... Read More about Suffering with dementia: the other side of "living well".

Technologies to support community-dwelling persons with dementia: a position paper on issues regarding development, usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, deployment, and ethics (2017)
Journal Article
Meiland, F., Innes, A., Mountain, G., Robinson, L., Roest, H. V. D., García-Casal, J. A., Gove, D., Thyrian, J. R., Evans, S., Dröes, R.-M., Kelly, F., Kurz, A., Casey, D., Szcześniak, D., Dening, T., Craven, M. P., Span, M., Felzmann, H., Tsolaki, M., & Franco-Martin, M. (2017). Technologies to support community-dwelling persons with dementia: a position paper on issues regarding development, usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, deployment, and ethics. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 4(1), Article e1.

Background: With the expected increase in the numbers of persons with dementia, providing timely, adequate, and affordable care and support is challenging. Assistive and health technologies may be a valuable contribution in dementia care, but new cha... Read More about Technologies to support community-dwelling persons with dementia: a position paper on issues regarding development, usability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, deployment, and ethics.

Preferences of informal carers on technology packages to support meal production by people living with dementia, elicited from personalised AT and ICT product brochures (2017)
Journal Article
De Filippis, M. L., Craven, M. P., & Dening, T. (2017). Preferences of informal carers on technology packages to support meal production by people living with dementia, elicited from personalised AT and ICT product brochures. Informatics, 4(1),

Assistive technology (AT) can help support the continued independence of people living with dementia, supported by informal carers. Opinions and preferences of informal carers towards a range of assistive and digital information and communication tec... Read More about Preferences of informal carers on technology packages to support meal production by people living with dementia, elicited from personalised AT and ICT product brochures.