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Professor JAMES BOLTON's Outputs (4)

The Sherwood-Relics simulations: overview and impact of patchy reionization and pressure smoothing on the intergalactic medium (2022)
Journal Article
Puchwein, E., Bolton, J. S., Keating, L. C., Molaro, M., Gaikwad, P., Kulkarni, G., Haehnelt, M. G., Iršič, V., Šoltinský, T., Viel, M., Aubert, D., Becker, G. D., & Meiksin, A. (2023). The Sherwood-Relics simulations: overview and impact of patchy reionization and pressure smoothing on the intergalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(4), 6162-6183.

We present the Sherwood-Relics simulations, a new suite of large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations aimed at modelling the intergalactic medium (IGM) during and after the cosmic reionization of hydrogen. The suite consists of over 200 simulation... Read More about The Sherwood-Relics simulations: overview and impact of patchy reionization and pressure smoothing on the intergalactic medium.

Probing quasar lifetimes with proximate 21-centimetre absorption in the diffuse intergalactic medium at redshifts z ≥ 6 (2022)
Journal Article
Šoltinský, T., Bolton, J. S., Molaro, M., Hatch, N., Haehnelt, M. G., Keating, L. C., Kulkarni, G., & Puchwein, E. (2023). Probing quasar lifetimes with proximate 21-centimetre absorption in the diffuse intergalactic medium at redshifts z ≥ 6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(2), 3027-3045.

Enhanced ionizing radiation in close proximity to redshift z ≳ 6 quasars creates short windows of intergalactic Ly α transmission blueward of the quasar Ly α emission lines. The majority of these Ly α near-zones are consistent with quasars that have... Read More about Probing quasar lifetimes with proximate 21-centimetre absorption in the diffuse intergalactic medium at redshifts z ≥ 6.

Comparison of Low-Redshift Lyman- α Forest Observations to Hydrodynamical Simulations with Dark Photon Dark Matter (2022)
Journal Article
Bolton, J. S., Caputo, A., Liu, H., & Viel, M. (2022). Comparison of Low-Redshift Lyman- α Forest Observations to Hydrodynamical Simulations with Dark Photon Dark Matter. Physical Review Letters, 129(21), Article 211102.

Recent work has suggested that an additional ≲6.9 eV per baryon of heating in the intergalactic medium is needed to reconcile hydrodynamical simulations with Lyman-α forest absorption line widths at redshift z≃0.1. Resonant conversion of dark photon... Read More about Comparison of Low-Redshift Lyman- α Forest Observations to Hydrodynamical Simulations with Dark Photon Dark Matter.

Limits on non-canonical heating and turbulence in the intergalactic medium from the low redshift Lyman α forest (2022)
Journal Article
Bolton, J. S., Gaikwad, P., Haehnelt, M. G., Kim, T. S., Nasir, F., Puchwein, E., Viel, M., & Wakker, B. P. (2022). Limits on non-canonical heating and turbulence in the intergalactic medium from the low redshift Lyman α forest. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(1), 864-885.

We examine the column density distribution function (CDDF) and Doppler parameter distribution from hydrodynamical simulations and Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) observations of the Ly α forest at redshift 0 ≤ z ≤ 0.2. Allowing for a factor of two... Read More about Limits on non-canonical heating and turbulence in the intergalactic medium from the low redshift Lyman α forest.