Empire, city, nation: Venice's imperial past and the 'making of Italians' from unification to fascism
Book Chapter
Laven, D., & Damien, E. (2015). Empire, city, nation: Venice's imperial past and the 'making of Italians' from unification to fascism. In S. Berger, & A. Miller (Eds.), Nationalizing Empires (511-552). Central European University Press
Dr DAVID LAVEN's Outputs (3)
Nineteenth-century historians and the Venetian Archivio di Stato: memory and rhythms of historical research (2015)
Journal Article
Laven, D. (2015). Nineteenth-century historians and the Venetian Archivio di Stato: memory and rhythms of historical research. STORIA DELLA STORIOGRAFIA, 68(2), 89-106. https://doi.org/10.1400/240641This essay examines the rôle of the Venetian state archives in fashioning historiographical trends and in shaping ideas of Venetian identity during the hundred years that followed the fall of the Napoleonic empire. I argue not only... Read More about Nineteenth-century historians and the Venetian Archivio di Stato: memory and rhythms of historical research.
The British idea of Italy in the age of Turner (2015)
Book Chapter
Laven, D. (2015). The British idea of Italy in the age of Turner. In D. B. Brown (Ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours. Tate Research Publication