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Professor Elizabeth Orton's Outputs (10)

Healthcare utilisation, morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis (2018)
Journal Article
Otete, H., Fleming, K. M., West, J., & Orton, E. (2019). Healthcare utilisation, morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54(2), 131–138.

Aims: This study aimed to describe healthcare utilisation, morbidities and monitoring of alcohol use in patients prior to a diagnosis of alcoholic psychosis in order to inform the early identification of patients at risk.

Method: Using linked gene... Read More about Healthcare utilisation, morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis.

Association between maternal depression and anxiety episodes and rates of childhood injuries: a cohort study from England (2017)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Kendrick, D., Tata, L. J., & Orton, E. (2017). Association between maternal depression and anxiety episodes and rates of childhood injuries: a cohort study from England. Injury Prevention, 23(6), 396-402.

Background: Maternal depression is common and associated with several child health outcomes. The impact on childhood injuries is underexplored, with existing studies relying on maternal reporting of injury occurrences. Using population healthcare dat... Read More about Association between maternal depression and anxiety episodes and rates of childhood injuries: a cohort study from England.

Differing patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations among 0–4 year old children from England (2016)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Tata, L. J., Kendrick, D., Burch, T., Kennedy, M., & Orton, E. (2016). Differing patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations among 0–4 year old children from England. Burns, 42(7), 1609-1616.

Objective: To describe patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations by age, sex, calendar year and socioeconomic status among 0-4 year olds in England for the period 1998-2013.

Participants: 708,050 children with linked primary care a... Read More about Differing patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations among 0–4 year old children from England.

Epidemiology of poisonings, fractures and burns among 0–24 year olds in England using linked health and mortality data (2016)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Orton, E., Tata, L. J., & Kendrick, D. (2016). Epidemiology of poisonings, fractures and burns among 0–24 year olds in England using linked health and mortality data. European Journal of Public Health, 26(6), 940-946.

Understanding patterns of injury in England is challenging due to a lack of national injury surveillance data. Through recent linkage of a large primary care research database to hospitalization and mortality data, we describe the epide... Read More about Epidemiology of poisonings, fractures and burns among 0–24 year olds in England using linked health and mortality data.

Changes in poisonings among adolescents in the UK between 1992 and 2012: a population based cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Tyrrell, E. G., Orton, E., & Tata, L. J. (2016). Changes in poisonings among adolescents in the UK between 1992 and 2012: a population based cohort study. Injury Prevention, 22(6), 400-406.

Background: Poisonings are a common cause of morbidity and mortality among adolescents. Yet surveillance data indicating current incidence rates (IRs) and time trends are lacking, making policy development and service planning difficult. We utilised... Read More about Changes in poisonings among adolescents in the UK between 1992 and 2012: a population based cohort study.

Alcohol-attributable healthcare attendances up to 10 years prior to diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis: a population based case-control study (2015)
Journal Article
Otete, H. E., Orton, E., Fleming, K. M., & West, J. (2016). Alcohol-attributable healthcare attendances up to 10 years prior to diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis: a population based case-control study. Liver International, 36(4), 538-546.

Cirrhosis because of alcohol could be avoided if drinking behaviour could be altered earlier in the disease course. Our aim was to quantify the burden of morbidities in patients prior to alcoholic cirrhosis diagnosis, as this may... Read More about Alcohol-attributable healthcare attendances up to 10 years prior to diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis: a population based case-control study.

Sex and age differences in the early identification and treatment of alcohol use: a population-based study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis (2015)
Journal Article
Otete, H. E., Orton, E., West, J., & Fleming, K. M. (2015). Sex and age differences in the early identification and treatment of alcohol use: a population-based study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Addiction, 110(12),

Aim: To estimate sex differences in health-care utilization among harmful/hazardous drinkers in the period before alcoholic cirrhosis diagnosis, and estimate sex differences in the extent to which alcohol use and brief alcohol interventions were docu... Read More about Sex and age differences in the early identification and treatment of alcohol use: a population-based study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.

Identification of incident poisoning, fracture and burn events using linked primary care, secondary care, and mortality data from England: implications for research and surveillance (2015)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Tata, L. J., Kendrick, D., & Orton, E. (2015). Identification of incident poisoning, fracture and burn events using linked primary care, secondary care, and mortality data from England: implications for research and surveillance. Injury Prevention,

Background: English national injury data collection systems are restricted to hospitalisations and deaths. With recent linkage of a large primary care database, the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), with secondary care and mortality data we... Read More about Identification of incident poisoning, fracture and burn events using linked primary care, secondary care, and mortality data from England: implications for research and surveillance.

Risk factors for long-bone fractures in children up to 5 years of age: a nested case–control study (2015)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Orton, E., Tata, L. J., & Kendrick, D. (2015). Risk factors for long-bone fractures in children up to 5 years of age: a nested case–control study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 100(5),

Aim: To investigate risk factors for first long-bone fractures in children up to 5 years old in order to provide evidence about which families could benefit from injury prevention interventions.
Methods: Population-based matched nested case–control... Read More about Risk factors for long-bone fractures in children up to 5 years of age: a nested case–control study.

Persistence of health inequalities in childhood injury in the UK: a population-based cohort study of children under 5 (2014)
Journal Article
Orton, E., Kendrick, D., West, J., & Tata, L. J. (2014). Persistence of health inequalities in childhood injury in the UK: a population-based cohort study of children under 5. PLoS ONE, 9(10), Article e111631.

BACKGROUND: Injury is a significant cause of childhood death and can result in substantial long-term disability. Injuries are more common in children from socio-economically deprived families, contributing to health inequalities between the most and... Read More about Persistence of health inequalities in childhood injury in the UK: a population-based cohort study of children under 5.