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Additive manufacture of complex 3D Au-containing nanocomposites by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction (2017)
Journal Article
Parmenter, C. D. J., Hu, Q., Sun, X. Z., Parmenter, C. D., Fay, M. W., Smith, E. F., Rance, G. A., He, Y., Zhang, F., Liu, Y., Irvine, D., Tuck, C., Hague, R., & Wildman, R. (2017). Additive manufacture of complex 3D Au-containing nanocomposites by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 17150.

© 2017 The Author(s). The fabrication of complex three-dimensional gold-containing nanocomposite structures by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction is demonstrated. Increased salt delivers reduced feature sizes down to line width... Read More about Additive manufacture of complex 3D Au-containing nanocomposites by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction.

Stability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG incorporated in edible films: impact of anionic biopolymers and whey protein concentrate (2017)
Journal Article
Soukoulis, C., Behboudi-Jobbehdar, S., Macnaughtan, W., Parmenter, C. D., & Fisk, I. D. (2017). Stability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG incorporated in edible films: impact of anionic biopolymers and whey protein concentrate. Food Hydrocolloids, 70, 345-355.

The incorporation of probiotics and bioactive compounds, via plasticised thin-layered hydrocolloids, within food products has recently shown potential to functionalise and improve the health credentials of processed food. In this study, choice of pol... Read More about Stability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG incorporated in edible films: impact of anionic biopolymers and whey protein concentrate.

Optimisation of octinyl succinic anhydride starch stablised w1/o/w2 emulsions for oral destablisation of encapsulated salt and enhanced saltiness (2017)
Journal Article
Chiu, N., Tarrega, A., Parmenter, C. D., Hewson, E. L., Wolf, B., & Fisk, I. D. (in press). Optimisation of octinyl succinic anhydride starch stablised w1/o/w2 emulsions for oral destablisation of encapsulated salt and enhanced saltiness. Food Hydrocolloids, 69,

Sodium (salt) was encapsulated within the inner water phase of w1/o/w2 food emulsions externally stabilised by starch particles with the ultimate aim of enhancing saltiness perception. The physical properties of the starch particles were modified by... Read More about Optimisation of octinyl succinic anhydride starch stablised w1/o/w2 emulsions for oral destablisation of encapsulated salt and enhanced saltiness.