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Dr JING ZHANG's Outputs (3)

PM Synchronous Motor with an Integrated Common-Mode Voltage Filter Considering Parasitic Capacitance Distribution (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Gu, C., Li, J., Ji, Y., Wang, H., Zhao, H., & Gerada, D. (2024, May). PM Synchronous Motor with an Integrated Common-Mode Voltage Filter Considering Parasitic Capacitance Distribution. Presented at 7th IEEE International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC 2024), Harbin, China

The common-mode voltage (CMV) arises from the simultaneous imbalance in the three-phase voltage output of the inverter. It is coupled with parasitic capacitance within the machine structure, which is related to the physical structure of the machine.... Read More about PM Synchronous Motor with an Integrated Common-Mode Voltage Filter Considering Parasitic Capacitance Distribution.

Multi-Objective Optimization of the Iron Bridge between Segmeted PMs for an Outer-Rotor Brushless DC Motor (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhao, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Gerada, D., Li, J., & Zhang, J. (2022, August). Multi-Objective Optimization of the Iron Bridge between Segmeted PMs for an Outer-Rotor Brushless DC Motor. Presented at 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Shanghai, China

To facilitate the processing, transportation and assembly of permanent magnet, a segmented PM design with positioning slots is proposed for an outer-rotor brushless DC motor in this article. First, the effect of the iron bridge between the segmented... Read More about Multi-Objective Optimization of the Iron Bridge between Segmeted PMs for an Outer-Rotor Brushless DC Motor.

Multimodal imaging of fluid transport in living epithelial sheets (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webb, K. F., Zhang, J., & Somekh, M. (2011, December). Multimodal imaging of fluid transport in living epithelial sheets. Presented at 2011 Functional Optical Imaging, FOI 2011, Ningbo, China

Detailed knowledge on the biophysical mechanisms and local intercompartmental dynamics by which fluid and solute transport is achieved and regulated at the cellular and subcellular level is lacking. In this paper, cultures of immortalised human retin... Read More about Multimodal imaging of fluid transport in living epithelial sheets.